2.3.4 means major version 2, minor 3, micro 4
The main (head) of the SVN branch contains what will be the next major release.
A branch for the minor releases will be made when a major release is done
It is from this stable-major branch that future minor releases are made.
If a micro release is necessary, it will be branched from the stable-major branch, as stable-major-minor.
The RE may choose to make a branch for an upcoming minor release to limit changes, as stable-major-minor.
Minor releases will be made at periodic intervals (2-4 months apart).
Micro releases will only be done if an immediate release is necessary due to a critical bug, and waiting for the next minor release is not an option.
All releases will be symbolically tagged as rel-major-minor-micro
There is no practical upper limit to minor or micro versions - crossfire 1.16.22 is valid.
Client and server releases will be done at same time, with matching version numbers.
Public servers expected to run the stable branch, not the head branch.
stable branch will be made for all arch, maps, client, and server components of crossfire.