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/etc/crossfire Configuration Files Directory


List of client IPs and user names to ban. Probably only useful if the user owns and deploys a dedicated IP.


List of NAMES : PASSWORDS : HOSTS for Dungeon Masters.


Large comma separated list of numbers to reach levels. The default ends at level 115. Just add some more numbers, and there will be higher levels :?: or delete some zeros at the end of thy numbers, and become a hero very fast.
:!: The sever has no possibility to be started with some -easy, -medium, -hard, -extreme parameters.


Is it a new version of the ban_file ? - NO ! it should be named closing_hours !
Example : Sat 22-24
Seems to accept single numbers without the need for HH like '07' . Not sure about midnight … :?:

Informational Files

Send to the client, when the client connects to the server.
Might print a lot of messages. They are easier to read, when the gtk+-1 client works in “split Windows” and-or “Splash Window” and-or “Popup Windows” modes that pop up an extra login-window.


Motto Of The Day - simple text file.


Simple text file send to players when they connect. Headline functionality.


Simple text file, that accepts some kind of html-formatting like [B]BIG[/B] .
Printed in the message window of the client, when it connects, and before the user logs on.


Large file with around 40 possible entries; probably would need it's own page here on the wiki : settings .

  1. balanced_stat_loss true
  2. casting_time false
  3. create_home_portals TRUE
  4. death_penalty_levels 1
  5. death_penalty_percentage 10
  6. dm_mail
  7. dynamiclevel 5
  8. explore_mode false
  9. fastclock 0
  10. item_power_factor 1.0
  11. log_timestamp TRUE
  12. log_timestamp_format %y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
  13. metaserver_comment Test server port 11100
  14. metaserver_host
  15. metaserver_notification on
  16. metaserver_port 13326
  17. metaserver_server
  18. motd motd
  19. no_player_stealing TRUE
  20. permanent_experience_percentage 96
  21. pk_luck_penalty 10
  22. port 11100
  23. real_wiz true
  24. recycle_tmp_maps false
  25. resurrection false
  26. search_items true
  27. set_friendly_fire 5
  28. set_title true
  29. spell_encumbrance true
  30. spell_failure_effects true
  31. spellpoint_level_depend true
  32. stat_loss_on_death false
  33. who_format %N %T%t%n Level %l Flags %h%d%a%b%n <%M>
  34. who_wiz_format %N %T%t%h%d%b%nLevel %l <%m>(@%i)(%c)
  35. worldmapstartx 100
  36. worldmapstarty 100
  37. worldmaptilesizex 50
  38. worldmaptilesizey 50
  39. worldmaptilesx 30
  40. worldmaptilesy 30
server/running_the_server/etc_crossfire_configuration_files.1519942315.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/01 16:11 by karl