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Document Repository > Player Guides > Character creation HOWTO

Note to wiki editors, this part should be updated to take into account new login windows.

Character creation HOWTO

A walkthrough for creating characters

Please note, screen shots are from the GTK Client and content based on Crossfire v1.4.0

Select a Server

After you launch the client, look in the right side of the client - a list of public servers will be listed there.

It should look something like this:

#)     Server        #     version   idle
         Name      players           seconds
 1)     0   1.4.0        514
 2)  0   1.4.0        341
 3)  bratwurst.unix-  0   1.0.0-07-30  356
 4)  crossfire.aszli  0   1.4.0        116
 5)  crossfire.jyu.f  0                90
 6)  crossfire.plane  0   1.3.0        115
 7)  damn.informatik  0   D-0.91       346
 8)   0   1.4.0        289
 9)  metalforge.real  7   1.4.0        124
10)  mids.student.ut  0   1.4.0        112
11)     0   1.4.0        271
12)  villa-strayligh  0   1.3.0        97
13)  voldsboks.pvv.o  0   0.95.8-CVS   89
14)  web.chemwatch.n  0   1.4.0        131
15)     0   1.3.0        60
16)  zeus.fh-branden  0   1.4.0        206
17)  localhost (default)

Hit enter if you want to re-update this list. Choose one of the entries above followed by enter or type in a hostname/ip address Enter 0 to exit the program.

Here's what the listed information means:

Once you see the server list, type in a (server) number (or hostname/ip address) and hit enter. You probably want to pick a server that's close to you for reduced latency, etc.

Character Name

Look for a floating window that says, “What is your name?”

Type in a name for your character and hit enter.

Character Password

Another floating window will appear that says, “What is your password?”

Type in a unique password and hit enter.

Character Stats

Next, is choosing stats for your character.

For an explantion and description of all the character attributes, visit the attributes documentation page.

Select a Character Race

put picture here Now it's time to pick a race.

For more information on the ability modifiers based on race and a brief description of each, visit the race guide

Select a Class/Profession

You should now see your character (based on race) in the Hall of Selection. In this example, it's a human standing at the top of the pentagram. picture here Use the direction keys to wander around the Hall of Selection

The hallway will lead into a much large room, like this: picture here

In front of each teleporter is a description of the Character Class. Step on a teleporter to select your class and begin play in Scorn.

For a summary of the ability modifiers based on class and a brief description of each, visit the class documentation

For a list of game Commands, visit the client commands documentation.