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GTKv2 Examples


Using on Self

apply -u rod of heal; apply -a rod of heal; fire stay; fire_stop; apply -u rod of heal
apply -u rod of heal; apply -a rod of heal; stay f; apply -u rod of heal



apply -a rod of firebolt; north f; apply -u rod of firebolt

  • Direction f fires a single shot.


apply -a rod of frostbolt; fire 1; fire_stop; apply -u rod of frostbolt

  • Fire Direction begins continuous fire.
  • fire_stop causes continuous firing to stop.
  • The Fire (shift) and direction cause continuous firing to stop.
wiki/data/pages/client/keybinding.1249532873.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/06/03 16:21 (external edit)