Table of Contents

Description of various parameters per level.

General rule: for a player to level up from level n to level n+1, she must kill ~100 monsters of level n. Monsters of level n-5 don't give much xp (attenuation factor).


Level HP SP GR Main skill level Spells Armor Attack Resistances
10 80 20 10 10 4 or 5 30 30 a few points
20 180 50 50 18 8 or 10 70 70
30 250 100 80 25 15 150 150
40 350 150 90 35 20 200 200 almost immune to 1 type
50 400 180 100 45 25 300 300
60 600 200 110 57 40 450 450 almost immune to 4 types
70 700 250 120 65 60 600 600
80 780 300 140 75 almost all 800 800
90 850 350 150 85 almost all 900 900
100 1000 500 250 90 all 1500 2000 high resistances in almost all

Level 10

Level 20

Level 30

Level 40

Level 50

Level 60

Level 70

Level 80

Level 90

Level 100

Special spells

Roughly sorted by decreasing importance

Combat spells: