Table of Contents

#define possibilities for the Crossfire Client

Some interesting compiling options when compiling the client .
These compiling options either have already default values set in some *config.h file, and may be set manually,
are automatically generated by the ./configure script,
or are possible to be set by either export VARIABLE_NAME=1 before running the configure script,
passed as –enable-feature –with-feature=FEAT positional parameter to the configure script,
or as CFLAGS=“-DVARIABLE_NAME -DSOME_OTHER_VARIABLE” given to the configure script.


When this is set to non-NULL, the client would generate individual player_name.server_address.keys files.
The default is set in common/client.h as unset.
When a player logs in, the client would load the default keys file located in the hidden .crossfire directory of the user's HOME directory.
If that file does not exist, the default key-bindings would be deployed.
When the user adds a key binding, then the file player_name.server_address.keys should be created if MULTKEYS had been set to anything at compiling time;
otherwise the default keys file would be written.

Found in


See also : keybinding