**Note** : A probably more sophisticated script approach is found for Tcl: [[:client_side_scripting:scripts:tcl:autopray]] \\
and several much simpler ones "spamming" the server with commands without any waiting in between :
* [[:user:gxc:client_side_scripting:cplusplus-howto]] - C / C++ -- First code example
* [[:user:mrbrklyn:scripts:pray]] - Perl
* [[:user:mhoram:scripts:altar_pray]] - Perl
* [[:user:eadmund:scripts:altar-pray]] - Python
====== Pray ==
Whenever the need arises, to pray multiple times on an altar \\
to gain back lost stats or upgrade weapons or to receive gifts of a god \\
a script would be handy to do all the key pressing for you.
This script is not very sophisticated, and should work also while not being on an altar. \\
It does not check for the correct god also, and does not handle messages printed in the info messages window of the client, that are praying related.
It does however check the nourishing and hp level of the character at COUNT_CHECK_FOOD times with the functions
* _check_counter
* _check_food_level
* _check_hp_and_return_home
This script needs functions found in the :user:karl:cauldron: namespace to work properly:
* [[:user:karl:cauldron:cf_funcs_common_sh]]
* [[:user:karl:cauldron:cf_funcs_food_sh]]
* [[:user:karl:cauldron:cf_funcs_requests_sh]]
The script recognizes the --help option and should print to the client then:
_draw 5 "$MY_BASE"
_draw 5 "Script to pray given number times."
_draw 5 "To be used in the crossfire roleplaying game client."
_draw 2 "Syntax:"
_draw 2 "script $0 "
_draw 5 "For example: 'script $0 50'"
_draw 5 "will issue 50 times the use_skill praying command."
_draw 2 "Without will loop forever,"
_draw 2 "use scriptkill to terminate."
The script tries to adjust an USLEEP value to wait before issuing the next 'use_skill praying' command according to the player's speed. \\
Two approaches are available :
* # _ _get_player_speed_and_set_usleep
* _get_player_speed_and_set_usleep
With the commented one disabled.
===== Code ==
# 2018-01-10 : Code overhaul.
# No real changes,
# except to support infinite looping.
export LC_NUMERIC=de_DE
export LC_ALL=de_DE
VERSION=0.0 # initial version
VERSION=1.0 # set a sleep value between use_skill praying
# to sync the messages 5 times You pray in the msgpane
VERSION=2.0 # refine the setting of sleep values
VERSION=3.0 # add a check for food level and to eat
VERSION=3.1 # recognize -V and -d options
VERSION=3.2 # use cf_funcs_requests.sh
# Global variables
MY_SELF=`realpath "$0"`
#test -f "$MY_DIR"/cf_functions.sh && . "$MY_DIR"/cf_functions.sh
#_set_global_variables $*
test -f "$MY_DIR"/cf_funcs_common.sh && . "$MY_DIR"/cf_funcs_common.sh
_set_global_variables $*
test -f "$MY_DIR"/cf_funcs_food.sh && . "$MY_DIR"/cf_funcs_food.sh
test -f "$MY_DIR"/cf_funcs_requests.sh && . "$MY_DIR"/cf_funcs_requests.sh
# *** Override any VARIABLES in cf_functions.sh *** #
test -f "$MY_DIR"/"${MY_BASE}".conf && . "$MY_DIR"/"${MY_BASE}".conf
_draw 5 "$MY_BASE"
_draw 5 "Script to pray given number times."
_draw 5 "To be used in the crossfire roleplaying game client."
_draw 2 "Syntax:"
_draw 2 "script $0 "
_draw 5 "For example: 'script $0 50'"
_draw 5 "will issue 50 times the use_skill praying command."
_draw 2 "Without will loop forever,"
_draw 2 "use scriptkill to terminate."
exit 0
# *** Here begins program *** #
_say_start_msg "$@"
# *** Check for parameters *** #
while [ "$1" ]
# *** implementing 'help' option *** #
case "$PARAM_1" in
-h|*"help"*) _usage;;
-d) DEBUG=$((DEBUG+1));;
-V) _say_version;;
# *** testing parameters for validity *** #
test "$PARAM_1test" && {
_draw 3 "Only :digit: numbers as first option allowed."
exit 1 #exit if other input than letters
sleep 0.1
# *** functions *** #
usleep ${USLEEP:-1000000}
local lPL_SPEED=${1:-$PL_SPEED}
test "$lPL_SPEED" || { MUL=10; return 254; }
case $lPL_SPEED in
1[0-4]*) MUL=18;;
1[5-9]*) MUL=17;;
2[0-4]*) MUL=16;;
2[5-9]*) MUL=15;;
3[0-4]*) MUL=14;;
3[5-9]*) MUL=13;;
4[0-4]*) MUL=12;;
4[5-9]*) MUL=11;;
5[0-4]*) MUL=10;;
5[5-9]*) MUL=9;;
6[0-4]*) MUL=8;;
6[5-9]*) MUL=7;;
7[0-4]*) MUL=6;;
7[5-9]*) MUL=5;;
8[0-4]*) MUL=4;;
8[5-9]*) MUL=3;;
9[0-4]*) MUL=2;;
9[5-9]*) MUL=1;;
case ${#PL_SPEED} in
1) MAL=1000000000;;
2) MAL=100000000;;
3) MAL=10000000;;
4) MAL=1000000;;
5) MAL=100000;; #0.xx
6) MAL=10000;; #1.xx
7) MAL=1000;; #10.xx
8) MAL=100;; #100.xx
*) :;;
_get_multiplicator ${PL_SPEED:-50000}
USLEEP=$(( USLEEP - ( (PL_SPEED/10000) * 1000 ) ))
_msg 6 "Sleeping $USLEEP usleep micro-seconds between praying"
VAL1=`dc 10000 ${PL_SPEED:-50000} \/ p`
_debug "VAL1=$VAL1"
VAL2=`dc $VAL1 $VAL1 \* 2 \* p`
_debug "VAL2=$VAL2"
SLEEP=`dc 50000 ${PL_SPEED:-50000} \/ p`
_debug "SLEEP=$SLEEP"
VAL3=`dc $SLEEP $VAL2 \/ p`
_debug "VAL3=$VAL3"
SLEEP=`dc $SLEEP $VAL2 \* $VAL3 \* p`
USLEEP=`dc $SLEEP 1000000 \* p`
SLEEP=${SLEEP//,/.} # _check_food_level uses _sleep and sleep does not like 1,2 but 1.2
USLEEP=${USLEEP%.*} # usleep does not like floats
_msg 6 "Sleeping $USLEEP usleep micro-sec. / $SLEEP sec. between praying."
case $NUMBER in
'') _draw 5 "$one praying attempt(s) done.";;
*) _draw 5 "$((NUMBER-one)) praying(s) left.";;
# __get_player_speed_and_set_usleep
# *** Actual script to pray multiple times *** #
test "$NUMBER" && { test $NUMBER -ge 1 || NUMBER=1; } #paranoid precaution
c=0; one=0
while :
_is 1 1 "use_skill" "praying"
if _check_counter; then
_check_hp_and_return_home $HP
case $NUMBER in $one) break 1;; esac
# *** Here ends program *** #