====== Flesh Items Index ====== This page should list the other wiki pages of the namespace [[:items:flesh:]] . These files are to be found in the // /flesh/ // folder of the [[:arch:]] package. Many flesh parts are either able to provide [[:items:food:]] or are used in recipes crafting [[:skills:alchemy]] related [[:items:]] . \\ They can be identified by the skills [[:skills:alchemy]] or [[:skills:woodsman]] . \\ There is quite a portion of [[:items:flesh:]] parts, that are kind of "magic" ([[:skills:sense magic]]) . ===== Demon Fleshes ===== - [[demon_head]] - [[icor]] ===== Dragon Fleshes ===== - [[dragon_claw]] - [[dragon_eye]] - [[dragon_sca]] - [[dragon_wing]] ===== Generic ====== - [[big_eye]] - [[brain]] - [[eye]] - [[eyes]] - [[heart]] - [[hide_black]] - [[hide_brown]] - [[hide_grey]] - [[hide_white]] - [[liver]] - [[tongue]] ===== Goblin Fleshes ===== - [[goblin_head]] ===== Human Fleshes ===== - [[arm]] - [[corpse]] - [[corpse1]] - [[corpse_pl]] - [[finger]] - [[fl_corpse]] - [[foot]] - [[hand]] - [[hands]] - [[head]] - [[leg]] - [[skin]] - [[tooth]] ===== Miscellaneous ===== The // /misc/ // folder inside the // /flesh/ // folder contains mainly [[:monster:animal]], faerie, [[:monster:undead]] and [[:monster:beholder|unnatural]]'s body parts. - [[bat_wing]] - [[behold_eye]] - [[dead_neko]] - [[ectoplasm]] - [[insect_sting]] - [[insect_wing]] - [[lich_dust]] - [[pix_dust]] - [[pix_wing]] - [[residue]] - [[serpent_skin]] - [[sheepskin]] - [[u_horn]]