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  • Race: angel
  • Name: angel
  • Level: 12
  • Experience: 800
  • Hit points: 150
  • Armour: none
  • AC: 0
  • WC: 1
  • Dam: 12
  • Abilities:
    • fly_low, pick_up, see_invisible, run_away, walk, will_apply
    • can_use_armour, can_use_bow, can_use_shield, can_use_weapon
    • can_use_scroll, can_use_skill, can_use_ring, can_use_rod
    • can_cast_spell
  • Spell Abilities: see above
  • Attacks: 1048577
  • Protection:
    • blind +80
    • magic +100
  • Vulnerable: none
monsters/angel/angel.1519042944.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/19 06:22 by karl