Include / Global .h

This is the file include/global.h , without most of the license related stuff, as found in the source code of version 1.70.0 of the server.

See pages Objects , Object Types , Object Fields in the :dev namespace .


Pulls in almost all other crossfire server includes ..

 * static char *rcsid_global_h =
 *   "$Id: global.h 16018 2011-12-03 15:13:09Z ryo_saeba $";
    CrossFire, A Multiplayer game for X-windows
    Copyright (C) 2006 Mark Wedel & Crossfire Development Team
    Copyright (C) 1992 Frank Tore Johansen
    The author can be reached via e-mail to
 * @file
 * Global definitions: u/sint8, things like that.
#ifndef GLOBAL_H
#define GLOBAL_H
#ifndef EXTERN
#define EXTERN extern
#include "includes.h"
/* Type defines for specific signed/unsigned variables of a certain number
 * of bits.  Not really used anyplace, but if a certain number of bits
 * is required, these type defines should then be used.  This will make
 * porting to systems that have different sized data types easier.
 * Note: The type defines should just mean that the data type has at
 * least that many bits.  if a uint16 is actually 32 bits, no big deal,
 * it is just a waste of space.
 * Note2:  When using something that is normally stored in a character
 * (ie strings), don't use the uint8/sint8 typdefs, use 'char' instead.
 * The signedness for char is probably not universal, and using char
 * will probably be more portable than sint8/unit8
typedef unsigned int    uint32;
#ifndef UINT32_MAX
#define UINT32_MAX      4294967295U
typedef signed int      sint32;
#define SINT32_MAX      2147483647
typedef unsigned short  uint16;
#ifndef UINT16_MAX
#define UINT16_MAX      65535
typedef signed short    sint16;
#define SINT16_MAX      32767
typedef unsigned char   uint8;
#ifndef UINT8_MAX
#define UINT8_MAX       255
typedef signed char     sint8;
#define SINT8_MAX       127
/** Strings that should be manipulated through add_string() and free_string(). */
typedef const char *sstring;
#ifdef WIN32
/* Python plugin stuff defines SIZEOF_LONG_LONG as 8, and besides __int64 is a 64b type on MSVC...
 * So let's force the typedef */
typedef unsigned __int64        uint64;
typedef signed __int64          sint64;
/* Needed for experience */
#define atoll   _atoi64
#define FMT64                   "I64d"
#define FMT64U                  "I64u"
/* To reduce number of warnings */
#pragma warning(disable: 4244) /* conversion from 'xxx' to 'yyy', possible loss of data */
#pragma warning(disable: 4305) /* initializing float f = 0.05; instead of f = 0.05f; */
#else /* WIN32 */
#if SIZEOF_LONG == 8
typedef unsigned long       uint64;
typedef signed long         sint64;
#define FMT64               "ld"
#define FMT64U              "lu"
typedef unsigned long long      uint64;
typedef signed long long        sint64;
#define FMT64                   "lld"
#define FMT64U                  "llu"
#error do not know how to get a 64 bit value on this system.
#error correct and send mail to crossfire-devel on how to do this
/* This blob, in this order, is needed to actually define maps */
#include "face.h"
/* Include the basic defines from spells.h */
#include "attack.h" /* needs to be before material.h */
#include "material.h"
#include "living.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "tod.h"
#include "skills.h"
/* This defines the Account_Char structure which is used in the socket */
#include "account_char.h"
/* Pull in the socket structure - used in the player structure */
#include "newserver.h"
#include "party.h"
/* Pull in the player structure */
#include "player.h"
/* pull in treasure structure */
#include "treasure.h"
#include "commands.h"
/* pull in book structures */
#include "book.h"
/* ob_methods and ob_types subsystem */
#include "ob_methods.h"
#include "ob_types.h"
 * So far only used when dealing with artifacts.
 * (now used by alchemy and other code too. Nov 95 b.t).
typedef struct linked_char {
    const char *name;
    struct linked_char *next;
} linked_char;
/* Pull in artifacts */
#include "artifact.h"
/* Now for gods */
#include "god.h"
/* Now for races */
#include "race.h"
/* Now for recipe/alchemy */
#include "recipe.h"
/* Now for spells */
#include "spells.h"
 * GLOBAL VARIABLES:                                                         *
extern New_Face *new_faces;
 * @defgroup first_xxx Beginnings of linked lists.
EXTERN player *first_player;                /**< First player. */
EXTERN mapstruct *first_map;                /**< First map. */
EXTERN region *first_region;                /**< First region. */
EXTERN treasurelist *first_treasurelist;    /**< First treasure. */
EXTERN artifactlist *first_artifactlist;    /**< First artifact. */
EXTERN archetype *first_archetype;          /**< First archetype. */
EXTERN objectlink *first_friendly_object;   /**< Objects monsters will go after. */
EXTERN godlink *first_god;                  /**< God list. */
EXTERN racelink *first_race;                /**< Race list. */
 * Variables set by different flags (see init.c):
EXTERN long warn_archetypes;       /**< If true, write warnings when failing
                                    * to find archetypes when loading from file. */
EXTERN long init_done;             /**< Ignores signals until init_done is true. */
EXTERN long trying_emergency_save; /**< True when emergency_save() is reached. */
EXTERN long nroferrors;            /**< If it exceeds MAX_ERRORS, call fatal() */
extern uint32 pticks;              /**< Used by various function to determine
                                    * how often to save the character */
 * @defgroup GLOBAL_VARIABLES Misc global variables.
EXTERN FILE *logfile;                    /**< Used by server/daemon.c */
extern int reopen_logfile;
EXTERN int exiting;                      /**< True if the game is about to exit. */
EXTERN long nroftreasures;               /**< Only used in malloc_info(). */
EXTERN long nrofartifacts;               /**< Only used in malloc_info(). */
EXTERN long nrofallowedstr;              /**< Only used in malloc_info(). */
EXTERN archetype *empty_archetype;       /**< Nice to have fast access to it. */
EXTERN archetype *map_archeytpe;
EXTERN char first_map_path[MAX_BUF];     /**< The start-level. */
EXTERN char first_map_ext_path[MAX_BUF]; /**< Path used for per-race start maps. */
EXTERN long ob_count;
 * Used in treasure.c
EXTERN archetype *ring_arch, *amulet_arch, *staff_arch, *crown_arch;
EXTERN const char *undead_name; /* Used in hit_player() in main.c */
EXTERN Animations *animations;
EXTERN int num_animations, animations_allocated, bmaps_checksum;
/* Rotate right from bsd sum. This is used in various places for checksumming */
#define ROTATE_RIGHT(c) if ((c)&01) (c) = ((c)>>1)+0x80000000; else (c) >>= 1;
#define SET_ANIMATION(ob, newanim) { if (ob->temp_animation_id) { ob->face = animations[ob->temp_animation_id].faces[newanim]; } else { ob->face = animations[ob->animation_id].faces[newanim]; } }
#define GET_ANIMATION(ob, anim) (ob->temp_animation_id ? animations[ob->temp_animation_id].faces[anim] : animations[ob->animation_id].faces[anim])
#define GET_ANIM_ID(ob) (ob->temp_animation_id ? ob->temp_animation_id : ob->animation_id)
/* NUM_ANIMATIONS returns the number of animations allocated.  The last
 * usuable animation will be NUM_ANIMATIONS-1 (for example, if an object
 * has 8 animations, NUM_ANIMATIONS will return 8, but the values will
 * range from 0 through 7.
#define NUM_ANIMATIONS(ob) (ob->temp_animation_id ? animations[ob->temp_animation_id].num_animations : animations[ob->animation_id].num_animations)
#define NUM_FACINGS(ob) (ob->temp_animation_id ? animations[ob->temp_animation_id].facings : animations[ob->animation_id].facings)
extern short freearr_x[SIZEOFFREE], freearr_y[SIZEOFFREE];
extern int maxfree[SIZEOFFREE], freedir[SIZEOFFREE];
extern int rightof_x[9], rightof_y[9];
extern int leftof_x[9], leftof_y[9];
extern New_Face *blank_face, *empty_face;
extern New_Face *smooth_face;
extern uint32 max_time; /* loop time */
extern socket_struct *init_sockets;
#ifndef __CEXTRACT__
#include "stringbuffer.h"
#include "libproto.h"
#include "sockproto.h"
#include "typesproto.h"
 * @note
 * decrease_ob() has been renamed to object_decrease_nrof_by_one()
#define object_decrease_nrof_by_one(xyz) object_decrease_nrof(xyz, 1)
 * Free the pointer and then set it to NULL.
 * This is generally done as a safety, and having this macro
 * makes the code a bit cleaner when doing so.
#define FREE_AND_CLEAR(xyz) { free(xyz); xyz = NULL; }
 * Release the shared string, and set it to NULL.
 * Must not be NULL.
#define FREE_AND_CLEAR_STR(xyz) { free_string(xyz); xyz = NULL; }
 * Release the shared string if not NULL, and make it a reference to nv.
#define FREE_AND_COPY(sv, nv) { if (sv) free_string(sv); sv = add_string(nv); }
#ifdef CALLOC
#undef CALLOC
# define CALLOC(x, y)   calloc(x, y)
# define CFREE(x)       free(x)
# define CALLOC(x, y)   malloc(x*y)
# define CFREE(x)       free(x)
#ifndef WIN32 /* ---win32 we define this stuff in win32.h */
# include <dirent.h>
# define NAMLEN(dirent) strlen((dirent)->d_name)
# define dirent direct
# define NAMLEN(dirent) (dirnet)->d_namlen
#  include <sys/ndir.h>
# endif
#  include <sys/dir.h>
# endif
#  include <ndir.h>
# endif
 * Server settings.
typedef struct Settings {
    const char *logfilename;    /**< Logfile to use */
    uint16  csport;             /**< Port for new client/server */
    LogLevel debug;             /**< Default debugging level */
    uint8   dumpvalues;         /**< Set to dump various values/tables */
    const char *dumparg;        /**< Additional argument for some dump functions */
    uint8   daemonmode;         /**< If true, detach and become daemon */
    int     argc;               /**< Parameters that were passed to the program */
    char    **argv;             /**< Only used by xio.c, so will go away at some time */
    const char *confdir;        /**< Configuration files */
    const char *datadir;        /**< Read only data files */
    const char *localdir;       /**< Read/write data files */
    const char *playerdir;      /**< Where the player files are */
    const char *mapdir;         /**< Where the map files are */
    const char *archetypes;     /**< Name of the archetypes file - libdir is prepended */
    const char *regions;        /**< Name of the regions file - libdir is prepended */
    const char *treasures;      /**< Location of the treasures file. */
    const char *uniquedir;      /**< Directory for the unique items */
    const char *templatedir;    /**< Directory for the template map */
    const char *tmpdir;         /**< Directory to use for temporary files */
    uint8   stat_loss_on_death; /**< If true, chars lose a random stat when they die */
    sint16  pk_luck_penalty;    /**< Amount by which player luck is reduced if they PK */
    uint8   permanent_exp_ratio; /**< How much exp should be 'permenant' and unable to be lost*/
    uint8   death_penalty_ratio; /**< Hhow much exp should be lost at death */
    uint8   death_penalty_level; /**< How many levels worth of exp may be lost on one death */
    uint8   balanced_stat_loss; /**< If true, Death stat depletion based on level etc */
    uint8   not_permadeth;      /**< If true, death is non-permament */
    uint8   simple_exp;         /**< If true, use the simple experience system */
    int     reset_loc_time;     /**< Number of seconds to put player back at home */
    uint8   set_title;          /**< Players can set thier title */
    uint8   resurrection;       /**< Ressurection possible w/ permadeth on */
    uint8   search_items;       /**< Search_items command */
    uint8   spell_encumbrance;  /**< Encumbrance effects spells */
    uint8   spell_failure_effects; /**< Nasty backlash to spell failures */
    uint8   casting_time;       /**< It takes awhile to cast a spell */
    uint8   real_wiz;           /**< Use mud-like wizards */
    uint8   recycle_tmp_maps;   /**< Re-use tmp maps. */
    uint8   spellpoint_level_depend; /**< Spell costs go up with level */
    uint16  set_friendly_fire;       /**< Percent of damage done by peaceful player vs player damage */
    char    who_format[MAX_BUF];     /**< The format that the who command should use */
    char    who_wiz_format[MAX_BUF]; /**< The format that the who command should use when called by a dm*/
    char    motd[MAX_BUF];      /**< Name of the motd file */
    const char *rules;          /**< Name of rules file*/
    const char *news;           /**< Name of news file*/
    char    dm_mail[MAX_BUF];   /**< DM's Email address */
    /* The meta_ is information for the metaserver.  These are set in
     * the lib/settings file.
    unsigned int meta_on:1;         /**< True if we should send updates */
    char    meta_server[MAX_BUF];   /**< Hostname/ip addr of the metaserver */
    char    meta_host[MAX_BUF];     /**< Hostname of this host */
    uint16  meta_port;              /**< Port number to use for updates */
    char    meta_comment[MAX_BUF];  /**< Comment we send to the metaserver */
    uint32  worldmapstartx;         /**< Starting x tile for the worldmap */
    uint32  worldmapstarty;         /**< Starting y tile for the worldmap */
    uint32  worldmaptilesx;         /**< Number of tiles wide the worldmap is */
    uint32  worldmaptilesy;         /**< Number of tiles high the worldmap is */
    uint32  worldmaptilesizex;      /**< Number of squares wide in a wm tile */
    uint32  worldmaptilesizey;      /**< Number of squares high in a wm tile */
    uint8   fastclock;              /**< If true, clock goes warp 9 */
    char    *emergency_mapname;       /**< Map to return players to in emergency */
    uint16  emergency_x, emergency_y; /**< Coordinates to use on that map */
    sint16  max_level;                /**< This is read out of exp_table */
    float   item_power_factor;        /**< See note in setings file */
    int     armor_max_enchant;        /**< Maximum number of times an armor can be enchanted */
    int     armor_weight_reduction;   /**< Weight reduction per enchantment */
    uint8   armor_weight_linear;      /**< If 1, weight reduction is linear, else exponantiel */
    int     armor_speed_improvement;  /**< Speed improvement */
    uint8   armor_speed_linear;       /**< If 1, speed improvement is linear, else exponantiel */
    uint8   no_player_stealing;       /**< If 1, can not steal from other players */
    uint8   create_home_portals;      /**< If 1, can create portals in unique maps (apartments) */
    uint8   personalized_blessings;   /**< If 1, blessed weapons get an owner and a willpower value */
    sint64  pk_max_experience;        /**< Maximum experience one can get for PKing. Ignore if negative. */
    int     pk_max_experience_percent; /**< Percentage of experience of victim the killer gets. */
    int     allow_denied_spells_writing; /**< If set, players can write spells they can't cast. */
    int     allow_broken_converters;  /**< If set, converters will work even if price of generated item is higher
                                          * than the price of converted items. */
    int     log_timestamp;            /**< If set, log will comport a timestamp. */
    char    *log_timestamp_format;    /**< Format for timestap, if log_timestamp is set. */
    uint8   starting_stat_min;        /**< Minimum value of a starting stat */
    uint8   starting_stat_max;        /**< Maximum value of a starting stat */
    uint8   starting_stat_points;     /**< How many stat points character starts with */
    uint8   roll_stat_points;         /**< How many stat points legacy (rolled) chars start with */
    uint8   max_stat;                 /**< Maximum stat value - 255 should be sufficient */
    uint8   special_break_map;        /**< If set, then submaps in random maps can break the walls. */
    linked_char *disabled_plugins;    /**< List of disabled plugins, 'All' means all. */
    uint8   ignore_plugin_compatibility;    /**< If set, don't check plugin version. */
} Settings;
 * Server settings.
extern Settings settings;
 * This is used for various performance tracking statistics,
 * or just how often certain events are done.  It is much better
 * to use a common structure then variables about.
 * Note that since these are often counters, I'm using uint64s -
 * this may be overkill, but it is just a couple extra bytes.
 * This is initialized/declared in common/init.c.  Note that if
 * it only contains integer values, very easy to initialize/clear it -
 * just a memset.
typedef struct Statistics {
    uint64 spell_merges;        /**< Number of spell merges done */
    uint64 spell_hash_full;     /**< Number of times spell hash was full*/
    uint64 spell_suppressions;  /**< Number of times ok_to_put_more() returned FALSE*/
} Statistics;
 * Merged spell statistics.
extern Statistics statistics;
/* 0.94.1 - change to GETTIMEOFDAY macro - SNI systems only one one option.
 * rather than have complex #ifdefs throughout the file, lets just figure
 * it out once, here at the top.
 * Have no idea if that is the right symbol to check on for NetBSD,
 * but NetBSD does use 2 params.
 * Move this to global.h from time.c since its also used in arch.c
#define GETTIMEOFDAY(last_time) gettimeofday(last_time, (struct timezone *)NULL);
#define GETTIMEOFDAY(last_time) gettimeofday(last_time);
 * @defgroup SCRIPT_FIX_xxx For plugin events
 * GROS: Those are used by plugin events (argument fixthem).
#define SCRIPT_FIX_ALL 1
#include "plugin.h"
#endif /* GLOBAL_H */