====== Rsync ======
The usual way to download the crossfire code on sourceforge is by using Git.\\
That is described on the [[:downloading]] page.
===== Git =====
The following rsync syntax would download an individual module of the source code:
rsync -avP git.code.sf.net::p/crossfire/MODULE.git /Path/to/Destination-Directory/
MODULE names:
* crossfire-arch.git
* crossfire-client.git
* crossfire-maps.git
* crossfire-server.git
* crossfire-sounds.git
* jxclient.git
* metaserver.git
rsync -avP git.code.sf.net::p/crossfire/crossfire-maps.git /tmp
This would download the Crossfire maps to a directory called tmp
To download all code components - archetypes, gtkv2 client, maps, server, et al.
rsync -avP git.code.sf.net::p/crossfire/*.git .
As of 2025-Jan-05, the code repo is 662M.
===== Subversion (SVN) =====
It is possible, to download the old svn code by rsync, too.
rsync -a -v a.svn.sourceforge.net::svnroot/crossfire/$DIRECTORY
The above shell code would list the files.
mkdir -p ./NewDir/
rsync -a -v a.svn.sourceforge.net::svnroot/crossfire/$DIRECTORY ./NewDir/
The above shell code would download the files into ./NewDir/ directory.
**DIRECTORY** would be the usual [[:arch:]], [[:maps:]], [[:client]], [[:server]], et cetera.
===== CVS =====
And for the even older cvs repository:
rsync -a -v a.cvs.sourceforge.net::cvsroot/crossfire/$MODULENAME
The above shell code would list the files.
mkdir -p ./NewDir/
rsync -a -v a.cvs.sourceforge.net::cvsroot/crossfire/$MODULENAME ./NewDir/
The above shell code would download the files into ./NewDir/ directory.
**MODULENAME** would be the usual [[:arch:]], [[:maps:]], [[:client]], crossfire, et cetera.
A short test for the /sounds/ directory worked for me.
It downloaded mainly `,v' archive files, which need to be checked out using [[https://www.gnu.org/software/rcs|rcs]] .