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sourceforge:svn_code [2024/12/19 18:06]
leaf Crossfire has migrated to using Git; SVN commands and summary no longer applicable
— (current)
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-====== SVN Code == 
-The code repository for Crossfire is hosted on sourceforge. \\ 
-See the [[:​downloading]] page for information about fetching it. \\ 
-The page [[:​Crossfire Traffic]] contains a huge summary list about changes in the svn repository. 
-====== Folder Structure == 
-The svn repository for Crossfire has these main folders ( also called "​modules"​ ) available: 
-  * [[#arch]] -- Archetypes datafiles for the server 
-  * [[#client]] -- Crossfire X11, GTK-1, GTK-2 client source code for the players 
-  * [[#​gridarta-editor]] -- :?: 
-  * [[#​jxclient]] -- Java client for the players 
-  * [[#latest]] -- Removed with revision -r 19302 
-  * [[#maps]] -- Map datafiles for the server 
-  * [[#​metaserver]] -- PHP files for operating a public www listing of available www servers 
-  * [[#next]] -- Removed with revision -r 19302 
-  * [[#server]] -- Crossfire server source code for clients to connect to 
-  * [[#sounds]] -- Effect sounds to be played by the clients 
-  * [[#stable]] -- Removed with revision -r 19302 
-**Note**: The folders latest, next and stable were removed at revision 19302: 
->r19302 | partmedia | 2014-04-05 12:46:01 -0100 (Sat, 05 Apr 2014) | 2 lines 
->Remove external links to next/​stable/​latest. 
-===== Sub Folders == 
-The svn repository main toplevel directories for Crossfire have usually these main sub-folders available: 
-  * [[#​Branch|branches]] 
-  * [[#​Tags|tags]] 
-  * [[#​Trunk|trunk]] 
-==== Branch == 
-Many times you will see or read references to “Branch” or “Branches” or “Branches/​1.x” or “Branches/​1.12” - what does this mean? 
-There is a Subversion (aka svn) directory at SourceForge which is intended to be the stable 1.X release. \\ 
-This is the same directory that many of the Linux distributions use for their packaged releases (.dpk, .rpm, et al.) 
-In January-2009,​ Branches/​1.x was dropped and replaced with Branches/​1.12 which is the upcoming release candidate with a target date of March-2009. 
-Once 1.12.0 is released, a new branch using 1.13 will be available for backporting content from trunk and bug fixes. \\ 
-The target release date for 1.13 is September-2009. 
-Going forward, there will be a 6-month release cycle, using this same system of release versions. 
-One can expect the following in Branch: 
-  * Official version releases based on this code (i.e., 1.11.0) 
-  * Game features that have been in place for several releases or years 
-  * Most (or nearly all map) updates from Trunk backported to Branch 
-One should also be aware that Branch has been more tested to run and compile on other platforms - \\ 
-but there may still be challenges and difficulties with your compile. \\ 
-Development primarily takes place with and under Linux. 
-Use branch if you are interested in the “more stable” release of Crossfire. 
-See also [[#trunk]] , [[#latest]] , [[#next]] , [[#tags]] and [[#stable]] . 
-==== Latest == 
-Many times you will see or read references to “latest” - what does this mean? 
-Latest is the same as trunk and is linked to the same Subversion (svn) directories as arch|maps|server|client /trunk/ 
-At some point, latest could have it's own release cycle. At that time, this page would be updated to reflect that. 
-See also [[#trunk]] , [[#branch]] , [[#next]] , [[#tags]] and [[#stable]] . 
-==== Next == 
-Removed with r 19302 
-See also [[#trunk]] , [[#latest]] , [[#branch]] , [[#tags]] and [[#stable]] . 
-==== Stable == 
-Many times you will see or read references to “stable” - what does this mean? 
-Stable is the same as branch and is linked to the same Subversion (svn) directories as arch|maps|server|client /​branches/​1.x/​ 
-At some point, stable could have it's own release cycle. At that time, this page would be updated to reflect that. 
-See also [[#trunk]] , [[#branch]] , [[#latest]] , [[#next]] and [[#tags]] . 
-==== Tags == 
-Many times you will see or read references to “Tags” - what does this mean? 
-Tags is an official snapshot release of the archetypes, client, maps and server based on branches/​1.x (aka stable) 
-Tags also have a release version, such as v1.11.0, and are made approximately once a calendar year. 
-This is the code base that many of the Linux packages (.rpm, .deb, et al.) use in their release cycle. 
-See also [[#trunk]] , [[#branch]] , [[#latest]] , [[#next]] and [[#stable]] . 
-==== Trunk == 
-Many times you will see or read references to “Trunk” - what does this mean? 
-There is a Subversion (aka svn) directory at SourceForge for active development and testing. \\ 
-One can expect the following in Trunk: 
-  * New features and changes 
-  * Latest development changes 
-  * New content (i.e., maps) 
-One should also be aware that Trunk is not as well tested (to name a few) for stability, \\ 
-game balance, bug fixes and compiling on non-Linux platforms. 
-Use trunk with caution unless you intend to take part in testing, bug reporting, development,​ etc. 
-As a player, here's a list of some (not all..) of the features that are different then in branch: 
-  *  Combat, and movement speed in general, has been slowed down 
-  *  Combat calculations have changed - weapon class (Wc) improves at a different (slower) pace 
-    * Items and spells that grant a bonus to weapon class are much more useful 
-  *  Monsters and spells are still in process for being rebalanced for the combat and movement changes 
-  *  Monster population on newer maps (i.e., Pygmy Forest, Castle Saromok) are much less then due to the combat system changes, other maps should be modified as well 
-  *  Player files from branch are incompatible with trunk; as in, branch characters will have combat stats that a trunk player could never achieve 
-  *  Each player starts with an additional 20 hit points (or so) 
-  *  When not moving (standing idle) hit point, spell point and grace regeneration is faster 
-  *  When not moving (standing idle) food consumption is slowed down (food is still consumed to regenerate though) 
-  *  Items such are armour and weapons that are enchanted (+1, +2, +3, et al.) are more rare 
-  *  Lower level monsters drop more (silver) coins 
-  *  Dragon characters chose their elemental focus during the character creation process 
-  *  Many monster generators only produce a fixed number of monsters and then stop (until the next map reset) 
-See also [[#branch]] , [[#latest]] , [[#next]] , [[#tags]] and [[#stable]] . 
sourceforge/svn_code.1734653178.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/12/19 18:06 by leaf