Build Wiki Pages

This is a program I'm working on to automate the building of pages for the wiki from the monster archetypes (and eventually other categories, perhaps). I'm still working on it, but I thought I'd put it here in case anyone wanted to help me fix a problem I'm having, or critique my code. (I'm still very much an amateur at writing C.)

The main problem I'm having right now is that a couple variables are getting clobbered; I assume by bad memory allocation. It happens at line 502: the variables *key[] and *val[] are fine before that call to join_with_comma(), but after it they are messed up. (Search for BEFORE and AFTER.) Since they aren't involved in that function at all, I assume that something in that function is causing an overflow. There's probably a way with gdb or some other tool to see what variable is using a particular memory address, but I don't know what it is.

Also, if anyone knows of a good C primer/tutorial online, please let me know.

Breakpoint 1, sortbyname (a=0xbfbbffd0, b=0xbfbc09d0) at bwp.c:259
259         return strcasecmp( *(char **)a, *(char **)b );
(gdb) p a
$1 = (const void *) 0xbfbbffd0
(gdb) p (char **)a
$2 = (char **) 0xbfbbffd0
(gdb) p (char *)a
$3 = 0xbfbbffd0 "Gnarg"
(gdb) p *(char *)a
$4 = 71 'G'
(gdb) p *(char **)a
$5 = 0x72616e47 <Error reading address 0x72616e47: Bad address>

The way I read that, it looks like what I really want to pass to strcasecmp is a pointer to (char *)a, but that doesn't work either. (You can see that attempt commented out.) I think for today I'm just going to comment out the qsort call so I can finish the rest of the program; in the meantime, any further hints on what I'm doing wrong would be much appreciated.

Thanks for all your help!


 * bwp - build wiki pages
 * This program will sort out all monster archetypes and print wiki pages
 * for them, named 'a' through 'z'.  It uses some *_template subroutines taken
 * from Ryo's mapper.c.  It should compile if installed in server/trunk/utils.
 * Please direct all suggestions or corrections to (or
 * Mhoram on #crossfire).
 * Compile command: gcc -g -pg -O0 bwp.c -I../include ../common/libcross.a ../socket/libsocket.a -o bwp -lz -lcrypt -lm
  CrossFire, A Multiplayer game for X-windows
  Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Mark Wedel & Crossfire Development Team
  Copyright (C) 1992 Frank Tore Johansen
  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.
  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.
  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
  The authors can be reached via e-mail at
#define LO_NEWFILE 2
#define MAX_SIZE 64
#define NA "n/a"
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <global.h>
char* monster_page_head;       /* Head of wiki page of monsters  */
char* monster_page_foot;       /* Foot of wiki page of monsters  */
char* monster_entry;           /* A single monster entry         */
char* monster_canuse_row;      /* Can_use table row              */
char* monster_protected_row;   /* Protected table row            */
char* monster_vulnerable_row;  /* Vulnerable table row           */
char* monster_special_row;     /* Special table row              */
char* monster_attack_row;      /* Attack types table row         */
char* monster_lore_row;        /* Lore table row                 */
typedef struct string_array {
    sint16  count;
    sint16 longest;
    char** item;
} String_Array;
 * This is a list of pointers that correspond to the FLAG_.. values.
 * This is a simple 1:1 mapping - if FLAG_FRIENDLY is 15, then
 * the 15'th element of this array should match that name.
 * If an entry is NULL, that is a flag not to loaded/saved.
 * Copied from common/loader.c; perhaps should be defined elsewhere?
const char *const flag_names[NUM_FLAGS+1] = {
    "alive", "wiz", NULL, NULL, "was_wiz", "applied", "unpaid",
    "can_use_shield", "no_pick", "client_anim_sync", "client_anim_random", /* 10 */
    "is_animated", NULL /* slow_move */, 
    NULL /* flying */, "monster", "friendly", "generator",
    "is_thrown", "auto_apply", "treasure", "player sold",   /* 20 */
    "see_invisible", "can_roll", "overlay_floor",
    "is_turnable", NULL /* walk_off */, NULL /* fly_on */,
    NULL /*fly_off*/, "is_used_up", "identified", "reflecting",	/* 30 */
    "changing", "splitting", "hitback", "startequip",
    "blocksview", "undead", "scared", "unaggressive",
    "reflect_missile", "reflect_spell",                             /* 40 */
    "no_magic", "no_fix_player", "is_lightable", "tear_down", 
    "run_away", NULL /*pass_thru */, NULL /*can_pass_thru*/, 
    "pick_up", "unique", "no_drop",					/* 50 */
    NULL /* wizcast*/, "can_cast_spell", "can_use_scroll", "can_use_range",
    "can_use_bow",  "can_use_armour", "can_use_weapon",
    "can_use_ring", "has_ready_range", "has_ready_bow",             /* 60 */
    "xrays", NULL, "is_floor", "lifesave", "no_strength", "sleep",
    "stand_still", "random_move", "only_attack", "confused",        /* 70 */
    "stealth", NULL, NULL, "cursed", "damned",
    "see_anywhere", "known_magical", "known_cursed",
    "can_use_skill", "been_applied",                                /* 80 */
    "has_ready_scroll", "can_use_rod", NULL,
    "can_use_horn", "make_invisible",  "inv_locked", "is_wooded",
    "is_hilly", "has_ready_skill", "has_ready_weapon",              /* 90 */
    "no_skill_ident", "is_blind", "can_see_in_dark", "is_cauldron",
    "is_dust", "no_steal", "one_hit", NULL, "berserk", "neutral",	/* 100 */
    "no_attack", "no_damage", NULL, NULL, "activate_on_push",
    "activate_on_release","is_water","use_content_on_gen",NULL,"is_buildable", /* 110 */
    NULL, "blessed", "known_blessed"
 * Concatenates a string, and free concatenated string.
 * @param source
 * string to append to. Can be NULL.
 * @param add
 * string that is appened. Will be free()d after. Must not be NULL.
 * @return
 * new string that should be free()d by caller.
static char* cat_template(char* source, char* add) {
    if (!source)
        return add;
    source = realloc(source, strlen(source) + strlen(add) + 1);
    strcat(source, add);
    return source;
 * Reads a file in memory.
 * @param name
 * file path to read.
 * @param buffer
 * where to store. Can be left uninitialized in case of errors.
 * @return
 * 1 if error, 0 else.
static int read_template(const char* name, char** buffer) {
    FILE* file;
    size_t size;
    struct stat info;
    if (stat(name, &info)) {
        printf("Couldn't stat template %s!\n", name);
        return 1;
    (*buffer) = calloc(1, info.st_size + 1);
    if (!(*buffer)) {
        printf("Template %s calloc failed!\n", name);
        return 1;
    if (info.st_size == 0) {
        (*buffer)[0] = '\0';
        return 0;
    file = fopen(name, "rb");
    if (!file) {
        printf("Couldn't open template %s!\n", name);
        return 1;
    if (fread(*buffer, info.st_size, 1, file) != 1) {
        printf("Couldn't read template %s!\n", name);
        return 1;
    return 0;
 * Processes a template.
 * Variables in the form #VARIABLE# will be substituted for specified values.
 * @param template
 * template to process.
 * @param vars
 * variables to replace. Array must be NULL-terminated.
 * @param values
 * variables to replace by. Must be the same size as vars, no NULL element allowed.
 * @return
 * filled-in template, that must be free()d be caller. NULL if memory allocation error.
 * @note
 * returned string will be a memory block larger than required, for performance reasons.
static char* do_template(const char* template, const char** vars, const char** values) {
    int count = 0;
    const char* sharp = template;
    int maxlen = 0;
    int var = 0;
    char* result;
    char* current_result;
    const char* end;
    while ((sharp = strchr(sharp, '#')) != NULL) {
    if (!count)
        return strdup(template);
    if (count % 2) {
        printf("Malformed template, mismatched #!\n");
        return strdup(template);
    while (vars[var] != NULL) {
        if (strlen(values[var]) > maxlen)
            maxlen = strlen(values[var]);
    result = calloc(1, strlen(template) + maxlen * (count / 2) + 1);
    if (!result)
        return NULL;
    current_result = result;
    sharp = template;
    while ((sharp = strchr(sharp, '#')) != NULL) {
        end = strchr(sharp + 1, '#');
        strncpy(current_result, template, sharp - template);
        if (end == sharp+1) {
            strcat(current_result, "#");
        else {
            current_result = current_result + strlen(current_result);
            var = 0;
            while (vars[var] != 0 && strncmp(vars[var], sharp + 1, end - sharp - 1))
            if (vars[var] == 0)
                printf("Wrong tag: %s\n", sharp);
                strcpy(current_result, values[var]);
        current_result = current_result + strlen(current_result);
        sharp = end + 1;
        template = sharp;
    strcat(current_result, template);
    return result;
/****  Mhoram's code starts here *****/
 * Frees memory if the pointer was ever given a string.
 * There's probably a cleaner way to do this, but this frees the memory
 * given to a pointer if the pointer points to a string longer than zero
 * length.  It's to get rid of "in free(): warning: junk pointer, too high
 * to make sense" errors.
 * @param p
 * Pointer to free memory from
static void free_if_used(char *p){
    if(p && strlen(p) > 0){
 * Sort values alphabetically
 * Used by qsort to sort values alphabetically without regard to case
 * @param a
 * First value
 * @param b
 * Second value
static int sortbyname(const void *a, const void *b){
    const char* aa  = (const char *)a;
    const char* bb  = (const char *)b;
    return( strcasecmp(aa, bb));
 * Add a string to a String_Array struct
 * Adds the new string to the struct's 'item' array, and updates the 'count' and
 * 'longest' values.  (THIS ROUTINE IS NOT RIGHT YET.)
 * @param array
 * The array to be appended
 * @param string
 * The new string to append
void push(String_Array* array, const char* string){
    sint16 i = array->count;
    array->item[i] = calloc(1, strlen(string)+1);
    strncpy(array->item[i], string, strlen(string));
    if( strlen(array->item[i]) > array->longest ){
        array->longest = strlen(array->item[i]);
 * Joins strings with a comma and space.
 * Takes an array of strings and joins them togther with a comma and a space
 * between each of them.
 * @param String_Array
 * Pointer to struct of type String_Array, containing strings to join
const char* join_with_comma(String_Array* array){
    char *newtext = "";
    int i;
    newtext = calloc(1,1);
    qsort(array->item, array->count, sizeof(char *), sortbyname);
    for(i=0;i<array->count;i++ ){
            newtext = realloc( newtext, strlen(newtext) + strlen(", ") +1 );
            newtext = strncat( newtext, ", ", 2 );
        newtext = realloc( newtext, strlen(newtext) + strlen(array->item[i]) +1 );
        newtext = strncat( newtext, array->item[i], strlen(array->item[i]));
    return newtext;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    archetype *at;
    int archnum=0;
    int archmem=0;
    char archnames[4000][MAX_SIZE];
    int i;
    char letter;
    char last_letter;
    char *wiki_page=NULL;
    char *monster_entries=NULL;
    FILE *fp = NULL;
    FILE *image_list;
    char image_list_path[128];
    char wikifile[128];
    const char *wikidir = "/tmp";  /* Should change this to come from command line? */
        /* Initialize templates */
    if (read_template("templates/wiki/monster_page_head", &monster_page_head))
    if (read_template("templates/wiki/monster_page_foot", &monster_page_foot))
    if (read_template("templates/wiki/monster_entry", &monster_entry))
    if (read_template("templates/wiki/monster_canuse_row",
    if (read_template("templates/wiki/monster_protected_row",
    if (read_template("templates/wiki/monster_vulnerable_row",
    if (read_template("templates/wiki/monster_special_row",
    if (read_template("templates/wiki/monster_attack_row",
    if (read_template("templates/wiki/monster_lore_row",
    sprintf(image_list_path, "%s/image_list", wikidir);
    image_list = fopen(image_list_path, "w");
    if( !image_list){
        LOG(llevError, "Unable to open image list file!\n");
        /* Pick out the monster archetypes and sort them into an array */
    for(at=first_archetype; at!=NULL; at=at->next){
        if(QUERY_FLAG(&at->clone, FLAG_MONSTER) &&
            strcpy(archnames[archnum++], at->;
    qsort(archnames, archnum, MAX_SIZE, sortbyname);
    for(i=0; i<archnum; i++) {
            const char *key[16] = {NULL,};
            const char *val[16] = {NULL,};
            char buf[16][MAX_BUF];
            int keycount     = 0;
            int res;
            letter = tolower(archnames[i][0]);
            LOG(llevInfo, "Doing archetype %s\n", archnames[i]);
            if(letter != last_letter) {  /* New letter, new file */
                    keycount = 0;
                    key[keycount] = NULL;
                    res = fprintf(fp, "%s", do_template(monster_page_foot,
                                                        key, val));
                    if( res < 0 ){
                        LOG(llevError, "Unable to write to file!\n");
                snprintf(wikifile, sizeof(wikifile),
                         "%s/%c", wikidir, letter);
                fp = fopen(wikifile, "w");            
                if(! fp){
                    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to write to wiki file!\n");
                char letterindex[256] = "";
                char letterindexnext[7];
                char li;
                    if(li == letter){
                        sprintf(letterindexnext, "%c ", toupper(li));
                    } else {
                        sprintf(letterindexnext, "[[%c]] ", toupper(li));
                    strncat(letterindex, letterindexnext, 256);
                keycount = 0;
                key[keycount]   = "LETTER";
                sprintf(buf[keycount], "%c", toupper(letter));
                val[keycount++] = buf[keycount];
                key[keycount]   = "LETTERINDEX";
                val[keycount++] = letterindex;
                key[keycount]   = NULL;
                res = fprintf(fp, "%s",
                              do_template(monster_page_head, key, val));
                if( res < 0 ){
                    LOG(llevError, "Unable to write to file!");
                last_letter = letter;
                /* add a monster entry */
            char *canuse_row     = "";
            char *protected_row  = "";
            char *vulnerable_row = "";
            char *special_row    = "";
            char *attack_row     = "";
            char *lore_row       = "";
            const int CANUSE_LENGTH = 16;
            String_Array canuse;
            String_Array resist;
            String_Array vulner;
            String_Array attack;
            String_Array special;
                /* Some flags that seemed useful; may need to add to this list.
                 * *special_names[] is used because some of the names in
                 * define.h are a bit awkward.  Last one is negative to mark end.
            const sint8 special_flags[] = { 21, 93, 52, 38, 13, 32, 61, -1 };
            const char *special_names[] = { "see invisible", "see in dark",
                                            "spellcaster", "unaggressive",
                                            "flying", "splitting", "x-ray vision"
            int j;
            canuse.item = calloc(1,sizeof(const char*)*(CANUSE_LENGTH+1));
            resist.item = calloc(1,sizeof(const char*)*(NROFATTACKS+1));
            vulner.item = calloc(1,sizeof(const char*)*(NROFATTACKS+1));
            attack.item = calloc(1,sizeof(const char*)*(NROFATTACKS+1));
            special.item = calloc(1,sizeof(const char*)*(NROFATTACKS+1));
                /* Do lore row */
            if( at->clone.lore ) {
                key[keycount] = "LORE";
                key[keycount+1] = NULL;
                val[keycount] = at->clone.lore;
                lore_row = do_template(monster_lore_row, key, val);
                /* Do canuse row */
            canuse.count = 0;
            keycount = 0;
            for( j=1; j<= NUM_FLAGS; j++ ) {
                if( QUERY_FLAG(&at->clone, j) &&
                    flag_names[j] &&
                    ! strncmp(flag_names[j], "can_use_", 8) ) {
                    push(&canuse, flag_names[j]+8);
            if( canuse.count ){
                key[keycount] = "CANUSE";
                key[keycount+1] = NULL;
                val[keycount] = join_with_comma(&canuse);
                canuse_row = do_template(monster_canuse_row, key, val);
                /* Do protected/vulnerable rows */
            resist.count = 0;
            vulner.count = 0;
            for( j=0; j<=NROFATTACKS; j++ ) {
                if( at->clone.resist[j] && attacktype_desc[j] ){
                    char rowtext[32];
                    if( at->clone.resist[j] < 0 ){
                        sprintf(rowtext, "%s %i",
                                attacktype_desc[j], at->clone.resist[j]);
                        push(&vulner, rowtext);
                    } else {
                        sprintf(rowtext, "%s +%i",
                                attacktype_desc[j], at->clone.resist[j]);
                        push(&resist, rowtext);
            keycount = 0;
            if( resist.count ){
                key[keycount] = "PROTECTED";
                key[keycount+1] = NULL;
                val[keycount] = join_with_comma(&resist);
                protected_row = do_template(monster_protected_row, key, val);
            keycount = 0;
            if( vulner.count ){
                key[keycount] = "VULNERABLE";
                key[keycount+1] = NULL;
                val[keycount] = join_with_comma(&vulner);
                vulnerable_row = do_template(monster_vulnerable_row, key, val);
                /* Do attacktype row */
            attack.count = 0;
            keycount = 0;
            for( j=0; j<=NROFATTACKS; j++ ) {
                if( at->clone.attacktype & (1U << j)) {
                    push(&attack, attacktype_desc[j]);
            if( attack.count ){
                key[keycount] = "ATTACKS";
                key[keycount+1] = NULL;
                val[keycount] = join_with_comma(&attack);
                attack_row = do_template(monster_attack_row, key, val);
                /* Do special row */
            special.count = 0;
            keycount = 0;
            for( j=0; special_flags[j] >= 0; j++ ) {
                if( QUERY_FLAG(&at->clone, special_flags[j])){
                    push(&special, special_names[j]);
            if( special.count ){
                key[keycount] = "SPECIAL";
                key[keycount+1] = NULL;
                val[keycount] = join_with_comma(&special);
                special_row = do_template(monster_special_row, key, val);
            keycount = 0;
            key[keycount]   = "CANUSEROW";
            val[keycount++] = canuse_row;
            key[keycount]   = "PROTECTEDROW";
            val[keycount++] = protected_row;
            key[keycount]   = "VULNERABLEROW";
            val[keycount++] = vulnerable_row;
            key[keycount]   = "SPECIALROW";
            val[keycount++] = attack_row;
            key[keycount]   = "ATTACKROW";
            val[keycount++] = special_row;
            key[keycount]   = "LOREROW";
            val[keycount++] = lore_row;
            key[keycount]   = "XP";
            sprintf(buf[keycount], "%li", at->clone.stats.exp);
            val[keycount++] = buf[keycount];
            key[keycount]   = "HP";
            sprintf(buf[keycount], "%i", at->clone.stats.hp);
            val[keycount++] = buf[keycount];
            key[keycount]   = "AC";
            sprintf(buf[keycount], "%i", at->;
            val[keycount++] = buf[keycount];
            key[keycount]   = "NAME";
            val[keycount++] = archnames[i];
            key[keycount]   = "RACE";
                val[keycount++] = at->clone.race;
            } else {
                val[keycount++] = NA;
                key[keycount]   = "FACE";
                sprintf(buf[keycount], "{{}}",
                val[keycount++] = buf[keycount];
                sprintf(buf[keycount], "%s.png\n", at->clone.face->name);
                fprintf(image_list, buf[keycount]);
/*  Plan to add generator face too, when I decide how    */
            key[keycount]   = "GENFACE";
            val[keycount++] = "";
            key[keycount]   = NULL;
            fprintf(fp, "%s", do_template(monster_entry, key, val));
        } else {
            LOG(llevError, "Archetype %s not found!!!\n", archnames[i]);
void set_map_timeout(void) {}   /* doesn't need to do anything */
#include <global.h>
/* some plagarized code from apply.c--I needed just these two functions
   without all the rest of the junk, so.... */
int auto_apply (object *op) {
    object *tmp = NULL;
    int i;
    switch(op->type) {
        case SHOP_FLOOR:
            if (!HAS_RANDOM_ITEMS(op)) return 0;
            do {
                i=10; /* let's give it 10 tries */
                    return 0;
                if(QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_CURSED) || QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_DAMNED))
                    tmp = NULL;
            } while(!tmp);
        case TREASURE:
            if (HAS_RANDOM_ITEMS(op))
                while ((op->stats.hp--)>0)
                    create_treasure(op->randomitems, op, GT_ENVIRONMENT,
                                    op->stats.exp ? op->stats.exp :
                                    op->map == NULL ?  14: op->map->difficulty,0);
    return tmp ? 1 : 0;
/* fix_auto_apply goes through the entire map (only the first time
 * when an original map is loaded) and performs special actions for
 * certain objects (most initialization of chests and creation of
 * treasures and stuff).  Calls auto_apply if appropriate.
void fix_auto_apply(mapstruct *m) {
    object *tmp,*above=NULL;
    int x,y;
            for(tmp=get_map_ob(m,x,y);tmp!=NULL;tmp=above) {
                else if(tmp->type==TREASURE) {
                    if (HAS_RANDOM_ITEMS(tmp))
                        while ((tmp->stats.hp--)>0)
                            create_treasure(tmp->randomitems, tmp, 0,
                if(tmp && tmp->arch && tmp->type!=PLAYER && tmp->type!=TREASURE &&
                    if(tmp->type==CONTAINER) {
                        if (HAS_RANDOM_ITEMS(tmp))
                            while ((tmp->stats.hp--)>0)
                                create_treasure(tmp->randomitems, tmp, 0,
                    else if (HAS_RANDOM_ITEMS(tmp))
                        create_treasure(tmp->randomitems, tmp, GT_APPLY,
                if (tmp->above
                    && (tmp->type == TRIGGER_BUTTON || tmp->type == TRIGGER_PEDESTAL))
 * Those are dummy functions defined to resolve all symboles.
 * Added as part of glue cleaning.
 * Ryo 2005-07-15
void draw_ext_info(int flags, int pri, const object *pl, uint8 type, uint8 subtype, const char *txt, const char *txt2){
    fprintf(logfile, "%s\n", txt);
void draw_ext_info_format(
    int flags, int pri, const object *pl, uint8 type, 
    uint8 subtype, 
    const char* new_format, 
    const char* old_format, 
    va_list ap;
    va_start(ap, old_format);
    vfprintf(logfile, old_format, ap);
void ext_info_map(int color, const mapstruct *map, uint8 type, uint8 subtype, const char *str1, const char *str2){
    fprintf(logfile, "ext_info_map: %s\n", str2);
void move_teleporter( object* ob){
void move_firewall( object* ob){
void move_duplicator( object* ob){
void move_marker( object* ob){
void move_creator( object* ob){
void emergency_save( int x ){
void clean_tmp_files( void ){
void esrv_send_item( object* ob, object* obx ){
void dragon_ability_gain( object* ob, int x, int y ){
void weather_effect( const char* c ){
void set_darkness_map( mapstruct* m){
void move_apply( object* ob, object* obt, object* obx ){
object* find_skill_by_number( object* ob, int x ){
    return NULL;
void esrv_del_item(player *pl, int tag){
void esrv_update_spells(player *pl){
void monster_check_apply( object* ob, object* obt ){
void trap_adjust( object* ob, int x ){
int execute_event(object* op, int eventcode, object* activator, object* third, const char* message, int fix){
    return 0;
int execute_global_event(int eventcode, ...){
    return 0;