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Worshipping Mostrai

FIXME Move into gods:Mostrai when it's created.

Mostrai is one of the easier gods to follow

  • When you first start out get the spell “holy word”.
  • Go to raffle 1
  • Cast “holy word” on the goblins in there until you gain a few levels.
  • Go to the second room and kill the zombies with “holy word”.
  • Get to the third floor and do NOT touch the raffle key.
  • Move the boulder to the center of the gates
  • Run to the end and grab the raffle ticket, then run behind the boulder.
  • Type this in: “bind use_skill praying;use_skill praying;use_skill praying;use_skill praying;use_skill praying;use_skill praying;invoke holy word”.
  • When prompted bind it to key “1”
  • Go behind the boulder and hit 1 a few times.
  • You should level up fairly fast by using this method.
  • When you are a higher level get other spells like holy word.
  • At a higher level you can kill Titans, Giant Wizards, and Cyclops.
wiki/data/pages/worshipping_mostrai.1718001909.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/10 01:45 by leaf