Each skill should have a quest which has the skill as the reward.
Also, there should be quests to level up, for many skills.
This is a dumping ground for design ideas
Start: potion shop, scorn? Find some 'odd' alchemical ingredients.
On some map, you enter and accidentally break a precious bow. The owner is of course enraged with you, and wants you to repair it. So he instructs you to go to some master bower to learn the skill.
- should this have a skill quest?
Start: scorn library Find all n volumes of the writing of Foo McGuffin scatter them about the game world (too hard? better for writing?)
Some rhetorical quest?
As part of the city theatre in Navar?
Should this be learnable? it's use is discouraged on most public servers. If it is, the it has to be a 'steal something' quest. the darcap plugin provides some interesting options for that.
Something with elves?
Help a writer find the tools he requires to write a book, and give ideas of subject.