This page contains some tips for debugging.
Valgrind is a tool to find memory related errors, for example reading a variable before initializing it, reading or writing non-allocated memory, memory leaks, and so on.
However, due to the cfpython plugin, valgrind output tends to get filled up by a lot of python related valgrind errors. These are false positives (or at least nothing related to us). There is a solution: valgrind got a feature called suppression file. It lists errors valgrind should ignore. Here is an example of such a file, this works on my system, you will likely need to customize it, for your python system, and for changing lib64 to lib unless you are on a 64-bit platform.
{ Python cond Memcheck:Cond obj:/usr/lib64/ } { Python value 8 Memcheck:Value8 obj:/usr/lib64/ } { Python invalid read 4 Memcheck:Addr4 obj:/usr/lib64/ } { Python mem leak Memcheck:Leak obj:/usr/lib64/ }
Then run valgrind something like this:
valgrind --suppressions=path/to/suppressions-file --leak-check=full ./crossfire-server
This will ignore errors that are not interesting for crossfire developers.