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Sorcery is one of the wizardry disciplines of spellcasting. Sorcery is probably the most generally useful wizardry skill, as it has the most spells, covering many offensive, defensive, and informational functions. Spells belong to many different paths, so a caster who is repelled or denied a particular path should still find plenty of useful sorcery spells.

The sorcery skill is acquired by learning the skill from a scroll or by having a talisman of sorcery. Spellcasters may also be created with sorcery as part of their initial skill set.

List of Spells

This is a complete list of the sorcery spells1), sorted by level.

Magic Bullet

Level: 1 SP: 1 Path: Missiles
Attack Types: magic Sources: books, rods, wands
Notes: Fires a magical bullet which continues in one direction until striking something.


Level: 1 SP: 5 Path: Null
Attack Types: magic, slow Sources: books, rods, wands
Notes: A cone-shaped spell which slows down the creatures it strikes.

Detect Magic

Level: 1 SP: 1 Path: Information
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books, rods, scrolls, wands
Notes: Reveals all magic items in the caster's inventory.


Level: 1 SP: 3 Path: Information
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books, rods, wands
Notes: Gives the caster information about a nearby enemy. Reports the condition of the enemy and the caster's chance of defeating it.

Marking Rune

Level: 1 SP: 2 Path: Null
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books
Notes: Creates a harmless sign on the floor in which the caster can write any words he likes. The sign does not detonate or do any damage, and anyone who applies it can read the words.

Spark Shower

Level: 1 SP: 5 Path: Electricity
Attack Types: magic, electricity Sources:
Notes: Fires a cone of electrical energy. Creatures struck take magical and electrical damage.

Magic Missile

Level: 1 SP: 1 Path: Missiles
Attack Types: magic Sources: books, rods, wands
Notes: Fires a poorly-tracking magical bolt. The bolt can turn to seek out a target, but it is stupid and may often run into walls.


Level: 2 SP: 10 Path: Self
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books, scrolls
Notes: May increase the caster's Strength stat temporarily. Size of the effect depends on the caster's current Strength stat and sorcery skill level.


Level: 2 SP: 5 Path: Mind
Attack Types: magic, paralyze Sources: books
Notes: A cone-shaped spell which may paralyze creatures. Attacking paralyzed creatures will not break the spell.


Level: 2 SP: 10 Path: Mind
Attack Types: confusion Sources: books, scrolls
Notes: Confuses enemies.2)

Poison Cloud

Level: 2 SP: 5 Path: Missiles
Attack Types: magic, poison Sources: books, rods, wands
Notes: Fires a ball which explodes into a poisonous cloud. Creatures affected may be slowed, weakened, or killed.


Level: 3 SP: 10 Path: Transmutation
Attack Types: paralyze Sources: rods, wands
Notes: Casts a randomly selected wizardy spell; or, about 1/3 of the time, creates harmless flowers. The spell is randomly selected in the same way as randomly created spellbooks, so low-level spells will appear much more often than high-level ones.


Level: 3 SP: 12 Path: Self
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books, scrolls
Notes: May increase the caster's Dexterity stat temporarily. Size of the effect depends on the caster's current Dexterity stat and sorcery skill level.


Level: 3 SP: 12 Path: Self
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books
Notes: May increase the caster's Charisma stat temporarily. Size of the effect depends on the caster's current Charisma stat and sorcery skill level.


Level: 4 SP: 6 Path: Mind
Attack Types: magic, fear Sources: books, rods, wands
Notes: Fires a cone of fear, possibly causing enemies within the cone to flee in fear.


Level: 4 SP: 7 Path: Abjuration
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books
Notes: Attempts to disarm a trap with no risk of triggering it, with a chance of success ranging from about 1/2 to about 1/20. This chance is dependent on the casting level, the trap's level, and also somewhat on the user's dexterity stat. It can also be used to remove marking runes.


Level: 4 SP: 15 Path: Self
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books, scrolls
Notes: May increase the caster's Constitution stat temporarily. Size of the effect depends on the caster's current Constitution stat and sorcery skill level.

Dark Vision

Level: 5 SP: 10 Path: Information
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books, scrolls
Notes: Allows the caster to see in the dark without a light source.


Level: 5 SP: 10 Path: Transferrence
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books
Notes: Transfers mana points to another player. If used on a normal creature, the magical energy may cause the creature to explode in a ball of fire.

Magic Mapping

Level: 5 SP: 15 Path: Information
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books, rods, scrolls, wands
Notes: Shows an overhead map of the caster's location. Very useful in unknown areas.


Level: 5 SP: 10 Path: Fire
Attack Types: physical, magic Sources: books, rods, wands
Notes: Fires a bolt of hot steam, which does damage and leaves behind fog.


Level: 6 SP: 10 Path: Null
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books, scrolls
Notes: Levitates the caster above the ground. The caster cannot fall into holes or traps while levitating, but also cannot pick things up off the ground.

Rune of Transference

Level: 6 SP: 12 Path: Transferrence
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books
Notes: Creates a rune which, when stepped on by a creature, will transfer mana from the creature to the creator of the rune.


Level: 6 SP: 15 Path: Null
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books, scrolls
Notes: Makes the caster invisible. Attacking other creatures or using spells will cause the invisibility to wear off more quickly.

Antimagic Rune

Level: 7 SP: 5 Path: Abjuration
Attack Types: magic, cancellation Sources: books
Notes: Creates a rune that will cast anti-magic on any creature that steps on it.

Missile Swarm

Level: 7 SP: 6 Path: Missiles
Attack Types: magic Sources: books
Notes: Fires a swarm of magic missiles. Like the first-level spell, the magic missiles try to track enemies but frequently miss.

Mass Confusion

Level: 7 SP: 20 Path: Mind
Attack Types: magic, confusion Sources: books, rods, wands
Notes: A cone spell which inflicts confusion on creatures in its path.

Animate Weapon

Level: 7 SP: 25 Path: Teleportation
Attack Types: weaponmagic Sources: books
Notes: The weapon in the caster's hand comes to life and flies around, controlled with the Fire keys like a golem. The caster recieves all XP from creatures killed by the weapon.


Level: 8 SP: 60 Path: Information
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books, scrolls
Notes: Attempts to identify some items in the caster's inventory. The higher the caster's sorcery skill level, the more items will be identified.

Improved Invisibility

Level: 8 SP: 25 Path: Null
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books, scrolls
Notes: Makes the caster invisible. Unlike the normal invisibility spell, the caster remains invisible even when attacking or casting other spells.

Dimension Door

Level: 10 SP: 25 Path: Teleportation
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books, rods, wands
Notes: Teleports the caster a short distance in the direction the spell is cast. It will not cross anti-magic spaces, and the caster will never be teleported to the same space as a monster. If the caster specifies a count, the spell will attempt to teleport him that number of spaces. Without a count, the maximum number will be attempted.


Level: 10 SP: 20 Path: Information
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books, scrolls
Notes: Allows the caster to see through a single level of wall for a limited time.

Magic Rune

Level: 12 SP: 5 Path: Creation
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books
Notes: Creates a rune on the floor which encapsulates another spell of the caster's choosing. When the rune is stepped on, the encapsulated spell is activated.

Magic Drain

Level: 12 SP: 20 Path: Transferrence
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books
Notes: Drains mana points from the enemy and gives them to the caster.

Color Spray

Level: 13 SP: 35 Path: Null
Attack Types: chaos Sources:
Notes: Fires a cone of energy that strikes with many different attack types. It is weaker than most attack spells of a similar level, but the combination of attack types of damage makes it useful against creatures with unknown immunities, or rooms full of monsters with different immunities.

Town Portal

Level: 15 SP: 50 Path: Teleportation
Attack Types: N/A Sources: books
Notes: Creates a magical portal from one point to another. It must be invoked twice: the first use marks one end of the portal, and the second marks the other location which connects to it. Useful for returning home temporarily from dungeons to drop off treasure or heal, and then return to the same point in the dungeon.

Create Repulsion Wall

Level: 15 SP: 30 Path: Creation
Attack Types: physical Sources:
Notes: Creates a repulsion wall which pushes away any creature next to it, unless the creature is flying. The wall dissipates after a limited time.

Rune of Death

Level: 17 SP: 20 Path: Death
Attack Types: death Sources: books
Notes: Creates a rune that, when stepped on, hits the target with a death attack. Depending on the creature's death resistance, it will either be killed or take no damage at all.


Level: 18 SP: 30 Path: Null
Attack Types: magic Sources: books, scrolls
Notes: Damages all creatures around the caster. Unlike most spells, destruction works through walls and doors. The damage is all magical, and increases as sorcery skill level and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Power stats increase.

Notes & Comments

  • The description of Confusion could be better. What does the website spoiler mean when it says it's good against monsters with physical immunity? How does confusing them help?


  • All information retrieved from the archetype files in the SVN repository, or from the Spells section of the main Crossfire site.
1) according to the SVN version as of 2007-01-03
2) see notes
spells/sorcery.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/23 17:07 by leaf