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JX Client Connection HOWTO

Launch JX Client

Launch the client using one of the following methods:

  • CLI: Change directory (cd) to the location of jxclient.jar and then run
    java -jar jxclient.jar
  • GUI: navigate to the directory that contains the client file
    • Linux: Right click on jxclient.jar → Open With “OpenJDK Java 11 Runtime”
    • macOS: Right click on jxclient.jar → Open With → JavaLauncher
    • Windows:Right click on jxclient.jar → Open with… → Java(TM) Platform SE binary → click OK

Client Splash Screen

You should now see a splash screen indicating that the client has launched and is loading

Server Selection Screen

After the client finishes loading, you should now see the server selection screen (aka, metaserver list)

  1. Select the server you want to connect to by left clicking once on that server name
  2. Left click once on the green icon found at the bottom of the interface

Account Login

The login screen for the game server is now showing

Note: login name and password is unique to each game server, so keep track what you used to login AND which server

New Players

  1. Left click on the Create button to set up a new account NOTE: this is NOT the name your character will use while in the game
  2. Follow the prompts to create a new character including name, class, race, and stats
  3. For assistance with creating a character, see the character creation guide

Returning Players

  1. Enter your username in the Login: field
  2. Enter your account password in the Password: field
  3. Click on the Login button to proceed to that character selection screen

Exit the Client

When ready to exit the game or client, make sure you character safely logs out of the game via savebed

  1. Hit the Esc key on your keyboard
  2. Left click on the Exit button

client/jxclient_connecting.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/07 18:28 by saru