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CFAnim (Animator for Gridarta) is a server plugin to make animations for NPCs.

It uses a simple text file format, described below.

Not all commands are actually implemented, and the plugin overall status is experimental - maybe it can crash the server.

There is an example map in /test/cfanim, with associated scripts /test/cfanim.animation and /test/cfanim.button.

FIXME more details?

Animation File Specification

In short: Plugin animator file specs

Section [Config]

This must be the first section. It defines the overall animation configuration.


Name Meaning
name “anystring”
victimtype player must be a player, object is an object, any means it doesn't matter, byname means the victim is the name of the object to animate
victim who for the object containing the event object, activator for the object which caused who to activate, who_owner and activator_owner for the containing object, object's name for an arbitrary object (in which case victimtype should be byname)
unique yes or no
always_delete yes or no
parallel yes or no
paralyzed yes or no
time_representation second or tick
errors_allowed yes or no
verbose yes or no
animation Animation
invisible yes or no
wizard yes or no

FIXME explain all parameters, make sure they work

Section [Animation]

This is the actual animation definition. Each line is a move, in the format:

time command parameters
 #not a comment. wrong line!!
time command parameters
time command parameters

Commands available:

Command Parameters Description
say saywhat: string Says saywhat (behaviour depend on victim being object or player
apply Apply first applicable object on ground
apply_object object_name Apply object object_name (ground checked first then inventory)
drop_object object_name Drop object object_name from inventory
pickup Pickup first object on ground
pickup_object object_name Pickup object_name from ground
ghosted yes or no Players leave their corpse at the current location and become a soul. Usefull for camera effects. Puts the invisible flag and wizard flag to yes
invisible yes or no Show or hide player
wizard yes or no Can or not walk through walls and monster (dungeon master)
teleport x y mapname Teleport object to mapname at position x,y
notice noticewhat Put a beautifull text (noticewhat) in Navy in the console of player
moveto x y Will make the object move towards the specified point in its map till it reaches the spot. One move per animation tick
north Moves in the specified direction
north_east Moves in the specified direction
east Moves in the specified direction
south_east Moves in the specified direction
south Moves in the specified direction
south_west Moves in the specified direction
west Moves in the specified direction
north_west Moves in the specified direction
fire_north Fires in the specified direction
fire_north_east Fires in the specified direction
fire_east Fires in the specified direction
fire_south_east Fires in the specified direction
fire_south Fires in the specified direction
fire_south_west Fires in the specified direction
fire_west Fires in the specified direction
fire_north_west Fires in the specified direction
turn_north Turns in the specified direction
turn_north_east Turns in the specified direction
turn_east Turns in the specified direction
turn_south_east Turns in the specified direction
turn_south Turns in the specified direction
turn_south_west Turns in the specified direction
turn_west Turns in the specified direction
turn_north_west Turns in the specified direction
server/plugin/cfanim.txt · Last modified: 2018/03/30 07:17 by karl