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spells:summoning [2018/02/28 18:20]
karl Make spells visible in the Table of contents for easier browsing, add internal links - especially to :monsters:folder:monstername
spells:summoning [2025/01/23 23:49] (current)
leaf [Summon Pet Monster] Fix link to killer bee
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 ======= Summoning ======= ======= Summoning =======
-Summoning is one of the [[:​skills:​wizardry]] disciplines of [[skills:​spell casting]] . Most summoning spells belong to the [[:​spells#​spell paths]] of summoning or creation, but a few belong to other paths. ​ The primary use of these spells is to summon [[:​monsters]] to [[:​attack_types|attack]] your enemies, but there are also spells for summoning [[:​items:​wall:​]]s , [[:​items:​food:​]] , and other useful [[:items:]] . The summoner class is naturally the best at mastering this family of spells.  ​+Summoning is one of the [[:​skills:​wizardry]] disciplines of [[:skills:​spell casting]] . \\ 
 +Most summoning spells belong to the [[:​spells#​spell paths]] of [[:​spells:​path#​summoning]] or [[:​spells:​path#​creation]] , but a few belong to other paths. ​\\  
 +The primary use of these spells is to summon [[:​monsters]] to [[:​attack_types|attack]] your enemies, ​\\ 
 +but there are also spells for summoning [[:​items:​wall:​]]s , [[:​items:​food:​]] , and other useful [[:items|items]] . \\ 
 +The [[:​classes:​summoners|summoner]] class is naturally the best at mastering this family of spells.  ​
-Worshippers of [[gods:​Mostrai]] will have a difficult time gaining summoning skill experience points, as they will be unable to cast any summoning spells until increasing their skill [[:​characters:​level]] , which can only be done by forming a party with a skilled summoner and sharing ​experience points ([[:characters:​EXP]]) Worshippers of [[gods:​Valkyrie]] are denied to all spell schools, including summoning.+Worshippers of [[:gods:​Mostrai]] will have a difficult time gaining summoning skill [[:​experience|experience points]]\\ 
 +as they will be unable to cast any summoning spells until increasing their skill [[:​characters:​level]] , \\ 
 +which can only be done by forming a party with a skilled summoner and sharing [[:experience|experience points]]. \\ 
 +Worshippers of [[:gods:​Valkyrie]] are denied to all spell schools, including summoning.
-The summoning skill is acquired by learning the skill from a scroll (the summoner class starts with it) or by having a talisman of summoning Summoning monsters to fight for you can help you to stay safe against dangerous enemies, since the caster can stay out of the line of fire while the monsters do the work.  The caster receives all EXP gained from enemies killed by his pets.+The summoning skill is acquired by learning the skill from a skill scroll ​\\ 
 +FIXME (the summoner class starts with it) (the summoner class starts with a [[:​items:​skills:​skill_tools:​talisman#​Summoner'​s Talisman]]) \\   
 +or by having a [[:​items:​skills:​skill_tools:​talisman#​Talisman ​of Summoning]] ​\\  
 +Summoning monsters to fight for you can help you to stay safe against dangerous enemies, ​\\ 
 +since the caster can stay out of the line of fire while the monsters do the work. \\ 
 +The caster receives all [[:​experience|experience points]] ​gained from enemies killed by his pets.
 ====== List of Spells ====== ====== List of Spells ======
-This is a complete list of the summoning spells((according to the SVN version as of 2007-01-03)),​ sorted by level.  ​+This is a complete list of the summoning spells((according to the SVN version as of 2007-01-03)),​ sorted by levels and alphabet.  ​
 ===== -- Level 1 -- ===== ===== -- Level 1 -- =====
-==== Summon Lesser Golem ==== 
-^ Level: ​ | 1  ^ SP:  | 3  ^ Path:  | Summoning | 
-^ Attack Types: ​ | physical ​ |^ Sources: ​ | books || 
-^ Notes: ​ | Summons a fairly weak golem which does the caster'​s bidding. ​ The golem is controlled with the Fire keys like a missile weapon, and can be directed to fight monsters, bash doors, set off traps, etc.  The golem will exist for a limited time, which is reduced further when it takes damage. ​ Casting another spell will also cause the golem to disappear. ​   ||||| 
 ==== Create Missile ==== ==== Create Missile ====
 ^ Level: ​ | 1  ^ SP:  | 5  ^ Path:  | Creation | ^ Level: ​ | 1  ^ SP:  | 5  ^ Path:  | Creation |
 ^ Attack Types: ​ | N/A  |^ Sources: ​ | books || ^ Attack Types: ​ | N/A  |^ Sources: ​ | books ||
-^ Notes: ​ | Creates arrows which can be used with a bow.  To create crossbow bolts, wield a crossbow when casting the spell. At high levels in summoning, it is possible to create arrows (or bolts) with a specific magical bonus by using the following syntax: '''​cast create missile N''​ where N is +0, +1, +2, +3 or +4.  you can also create missiles of fire using  ' "cast create missile fire" ​ |||||+^ Notes: ​ | Creates arrows which can be used with a bow.  To create crossbow bolts, wield a crossbow when casting the spell or 'cast create missile bolt'. At high levels in summoning, it is possible to create arrows (or bolts) with a specific magical bonus by using the following syntax: '''​cast create missile N''​ where N is +0, +1, +2, +3 or +4.  you can also create missiles of fire using  ' "cast create missile fire" ​ ||||| 
 +==== Summon Lesser Golem ==== 
 +^ Level: ​ | 1  ^ SP:  | 3  ^ Path:  | Summoning | 
 +^ Attack Types: ​ | physical ​ |^ Sources: ​ | books || 
 +^ Notes: ​ | Summons a fairly weak golem which does the caster'​s bidding. ​ The golem is controlled with the Fire keys like a missile weapon, and can be directed to fight monsters, bash doors, set off floor as well as door traps, etc. If you don't have the Sorcery spell Disarm yet, this spell gives you a creative and versatile means of safely dealing with trapped doors as the golem will set off magical and physical traps on doors. It also costs less than the Disarm spell does and can be used to check multiple nearby doors in one casting. The golem will exist for a limited time, which is reduced further when it takes damage. ​ Casting another spell will also cause the golem to disappear. ​   ||||| 
 ===== -- Level 2 -- ===== ===== -- Level 2 -- =====
 +==== Earth To Dust ====
 +^ Level: ​ | 2  ^ SP:  | 5  ^ Path:  | Null |
 +^ Attack Types: ​ | N/A  |^ Sources: ​ | books ||
 +^ Notes: ​ | Earth to dust causes damage to all earthwalls and other weak walls within the immediate area of the caster. ​ It does not damage any other objects or monsters. ​ |||||
 ==== Summon Fog ==== ==== Summon Fog ====
 ^ Level: ​ | 2  ^ SP:  | 5  ^ Path:  | Creation | ^ Level: ​ | 2  ^ SP:  | 5  ^ Path:  | Creation |
Line 37: Line 57:
 ^ Notes: ​ | Creates a monster which will attack the enemies of the caster. ​ The monster is not under the caster'​s control, so it may also bash doors, run away, or get lost.  The type of monster created varies by the caster'​s summoning skill level. ​ (See table below) ​ Summoned monsters persist until killed.\\ \\ If the caster is repelled/​attuned summoning then corresponding levels in the table below will be higher/​lower by a value of 4 (If I am not mistaken) ​ One can also summon specific monsters from one's previous levels. ​ For instance, a character level 8 in summoning can still summon killer bees by using the following syntax: ​ '''​cast summon pet monster killer_bee''​ .   ||||| ^ Notes: ​ | Creates a monster which will attack the enemies of the caster. ​ The monster is not under the caster'​s control, so it may also bash doors, run away, or get lost.  The type of monster created varies by the caster'​s summoning skill level. ​ (See table below) ​ Summoned monsters persist until killed.\\ \\ If the caster is repelled/​attuned summoning then corresponding levels in the table below will be higher/​lower by a value of 4 (If I am not mistaken) ​ One can also summon specific monsters from one's previous levels. ​ For instance, a character level 8 in summoning can still summon killer bees by using the following syntax: ​ '''​cast summon pet monster killer_bee''​ .   |||||
-| Pets summoned by summoning level |||| +| Pets summoned by summoning level ((arch/​spell/​SummonMonster/​mage_pet_monster.trs)) |||||||| 
-^ Level ^ Pet ^ Level ^ Pet | +^ Level ^ Pet ^ Nr Of ^ Name ^ Level ^ Pet ^ Nr Of ^ Name 
-|  1 | [[:​monsters:​animal:​Bat]] |  9 | [[:​monsters:​misc:​Stalker]] | +|  1 | [[:​monsters:​animal:​Bat]] ​|  2 | bat |  9 | [[:​monsters:​misc:​Stalker]] ​|  1 | stalker ​
-|  3 | [[:​monsters:​animal:​Bird]] |  11 | [[:​monsters:​demon:​Devil]]((displayed as "​demon"​ but use "​devil"​ as the name to summon this choice)) | +|  3 | [[:​monsters:​animal:​Bird]] ​|  1 | bird |  11 | [[:​monsters:​demon:​Devil]]((displayed as "​demon"​ but use "​devil"​ as the name to summon this choice)) ​|  2 | devil 
-|  4 | [[:​monsters:​insect:​Bee]] |  13 | [[:​monsters:​Beholder:​]] | +|  4 | [[:​monsters:​insect:​Bee]] ​|  3 | bee |  13 | [[:​monsters:​Beholder:​]] ​|  2 | beholder ​
-|  5 | [[:​monsters:​insect:​Spider]] |  15 | [[:​monsters:​humanoid:​Dark Elf]] | +|  5 | [[:​monsters:​insect:​Spider]] ​|  1 | spider ​|  15 | [[:​monsters:​humanoid:​Dark Elf]] |  3 | dark_elf ​
-|  6 | [[:monsters:​insect:​killer_bee]] |  17 | [[:​monsters:​undead:​Skull]] | +|  6 | [[monsters:​insect:​killerbee]]|  2 | killer_bee ​|  17 | [[:​monsters:​undead:​Skull]] ​|  1 | skull 
-|  7 | [[:​monsters:​misc:​Pixie]] |  20 | [[:​monsters:​Angel:​]] | +|  7 | [[:​monsters:​misc:​Pixie]] ​|  1 | pixie |  20 | [[:​monsters:​Angel:​]] ​|  2 | angel 
-|  8 | [[:​monsters:​undead:​Skeleton]] |  25 | [[:​monsters:​undead:​Vampire]] |+|  8 | [[:​monsters:​undead:​Skeleton]] ​|  2 | skeleton ​|  25 | [[:​monsters:​undead:​Vampire]] ​|  1 | vampire ​|
-==== Earth To Dust ====+=== Earth To Dust ===
 ^ Level: ​ | 2  ^ SP:  | 5  ^ Path:  | Null | ^ Level: ​ | 2  ^ SP:  | 5  ^ Path:  | Null |
 ^ Attack Types: ​ | N/A  |^ Sources: ​ | books || ^ Attack Types: ​ | N/A  |^ Sources: ​ | books ||
Line 68: Line 88:
 ^ Notes: ​ |  Creates a dog-like animal to act as a pet to the caster. The type of dog summoned depends on the level of the caster. ​  ||||| ^ Notes: ​ |  Creates a dog-like animal to act as a pet to the caster. The type of dog summoned depends on the level of the caster. ​  |||||
-Pet summoned by summoning level |||+Pets summoned ​ | Command | Selecting Pet |   
-^ Level ^ Pet | +by summoning level | [[:​player_commands#​cast]] magehound ​cast magehound PET((arch/​spell/​SummonMonster/​mage_hound.trs)) ​
- 5 | [[:​monsters:​animal:​Dog]] | +^ Level ^ Pet ^ Parameter Name ^ 
- 7 | [[:​monsters:​animal:​Wolf]] | +| 5 | [[:​monsters:​animal:​Dog]] ​| dog 
- 12 | [[:​monsters:​animal:​Mastif]] |   +| 7 | [[:​monsters:​animal:​Wolf]] ​| wolf 
- 15 | [[:​monsters:​animal:​dwolf|Dire Wolf]] | +| 12 | [[:​monsters:​animal:​Mastif]] ​| mastif ​|   
- 20 | [[:​monsters:​demon:​Hellhound]] | +| 15 | [[:​monsters:​animal:​dwolf|Dire Wolf]] ​| dire_wolf ​
- 30 | [[:​monsters:​animal:​dwolf_sire|Dire Wolf Sire]] | +| 20 | [[:​monsters:​demon:​Hellhound]] ​| hellhound ​
- 45 | [[:​monsters:​elemental:​s_mastif|Shadow Mastif]] | +| 30 | [[:​monsters:​animal:​dwolf_sire|Dire Wolf Sire]] ​| dire_wolf_sire ​
- 60 | [[:monstersLdemon:​hellhound|Greater Hellhound]] |+| 45 | [[:​monsters:​elemental:​s_mastif|Shadow Mastif]] ​| s_mastif ​
 +| 60 | [[:monsters:​demon:​hellhound|Greater Hellhound]] | (gr_hellhound,​ any name) | 
 +Maximum is one pet hound each cast. 
 +See also [[#Summon Pet Monster]]
 ===== -- Level 4 - 5 -- ===== ===== -- Level 4 - 5 -- =====
 +==== Charm Monsters ====
 +^ Level: ​ | 5  ^ SP:  | 20  ^ Path:  | Mind |
 +^ Attack Types: ​ | N/A  |^ Sources: ​ | books ||
 +^ Notes: ​ | Attempts to convert nearby monsters into pets which will fight for the caster. ​   |||||
 ==== Create Earth Wall ==== ==== Create Earth Wall ====
 ^ Level: ​ | 4  ^ SP:  | 6  ^ Path:  | Creation | ^ Level: ​ | 4  ^ SP:  | 6  ^ Path:  | Creation |
 ^ Attack Types: ​ | N/A  |^ Sources: ​ | books, rods, wands || ^ Attack Types: ​ | N/A  |^ Sources: ​ | books, rods, wands ||
-^ Notes: ​ | Creates a line of earth walls. ​ These are ordinary walls which cast no spells and do no damage, but they block vision and most creatures cannot pass through them.  These walls will remain until destroyed.\\ ​ A tip:  Create a bomb on the wall and run away; the wall and any creatures next to it will be destroyed. ​ This is one of the most-used combos in the game.    |||||+^ Notes: ​ | Creates a line of earth walls. These are ordinary walls which cast no spells and do no damage, but they block vision and most creatures cannot pass through them. These walls will remain until destroyed, or until you leave the map. Most enemies do not appear to attack the walls directly, allowing you to completely trap creatures such as dragons within. A very versatile spell, it can be used to trap enemies too difficult to deal with, cage enemies which move around randomly in order to hit them more easily, or to make a barrier to protect yourself from enemy spells and projectiles. \\  ​\\ A tip: Create a bomb on the wall and run away; the wall and any creatures next to it will be destroyed. ​ This is one of the most-used combos in the game.    ||||| 
 +==== Mystic Fist ==== 
 +^ Level: ​ | 5  ^ SP:  | 10  ^ Path:  | Summoning | 
 +^ Attack Types: ​ | electricity ​ |^ Sources: ​ | books || 
 +^ Notes: ​ | Creates a magical fist which is controlled with the Fire keys, like a golem.    |||||
 ==== Summon Earth Elemental ==== ==== Summon Earth Elemental ====
 ^ Level: ​ | 4  ^ SP:  | 15  ^ Path:  | Summoning | ^ Level: ​ | 4  ^ SP:  | 15  ^ Path:  | Summoning |
 ^ Attack Types: ​ | physical ​ |^ Sources: ​ | books, scrolls || ^ Attack Types: ​ | physical ​ |^ Sources: ​ | books, scrolls ||
-^ Notes: ​ | Summons an earth elemental which is controlled with the Fire keys, like a golem. ​ Very durable, with powerful attacks, but slow.      ​||||| +^ Notes: ​ | Summons an earth elemental which is controlled with the Fire keys, like a golem. ​ Very durable, with powerful attacks, but slow. Will set off floor traps they walk over     |||||
- +
-==== Charm Monsters ==== +
-^ Level: ​ | 5  ^ SP:  | 20  ^ Path:  | Mind | +
-^ Attack Types: ​ | N/A  |^ Sources: ​ | books || +
-^ Notes: ​ | Attempts to convert nearby monsters into pets which will fight for the caster   |||||+
 ==== Summon Water Elemental ==== ==== Summon Water Elemental ====
 ^ Level: ​ | 5  ^ SP:  | 15  ^ Path:  | Summoning | ^ Level: ​ | 5  ^ SP:  | 15  ^ Path:  | Summoning |
 ^ Attack Types: ​ | physical, cold  |^ Sources: ​ | books, rods, scrolls, wands || ^ Attack Types: ​ | physical, cold  |^ Sources: ​ | books, rods, scrolls, wands ||
-^ Notes: ​ | Summons an elemental creature which is controlled with the Fire keys, like a golem. ​ Water elementals use cold and physical attacks, but are not immune to cold themselves. ​   |||||+^ Notes: ​ | Summons an elemental creature which is controlled with the Fire keys, like a golem. ​ Water elementals use cold and physical attacks, but are not immune to cold themselves. Will set off floor traps they walk over.    ||||| 
-==== Mystic Fist ==== 
-^ Level: ​ | 5  ^ SP:  | 10  ^ Path:  | Summoning | 
-^ Attack Types: ​ | electricity ​ |^ Sources: ​ | books || 
-^ Notes: ​ | Creates a magical fist which is controlled with the Fire keys, like a golem. ​   ||||| 
 ===== -- Level 6 - 8 -- ===== ===== -- Level 6 - 8 -- =====
 +==== Counterwall ====
 +^ Level: ​ | 8  ^ SP:  | 8  ^ Path:  | Restoration |
 +^ Attack Types: ​ | counterspell ​ |^ Sources: ​ | books, rods, wands ||
 +^ Notes: ​ | Creates a wall that repeatedly casts [[spells:​summoning#​counterspell]] in the direction of the caster. ​ |||||
 ==== Create Food ==== ==== Create Food ====
 ^ Level: ​ | 6  ^ SP:  | 10  ^ Path:  | Creation | ^ Level: ​ | 6  ^ SP:  | 10  ^ Path:  | Creation |
 ^ Attack Types: ​ | N/A  |^ Sources: ​ | books || ^ Attack Types: ​ | N/A  |^ Sources: ​ | books ||
 ^ Notes: ​ | This spell has a chance of creating some food.    ||||| ^ Notes: ​ | This spell has a chance of creating some food.    |||||
-==== Summon Devil ==== 
-^ Level: ​ | 6  ^ SP:  | 20  ^ Path:  | Summoning | 
-^ Attack Types: ​ | electricity ​ |^ Sources: ​ |  || 
-^ Notes: ​ | Summons a devil from the underworld. ​ The devil is controlled with the Fire keys like a golem. ​   ||||| 
 ==== Summon Air Elemental ==== ==== Summon Air Elemental ====
Line 119: Line 147:
 ^ Attack Types: ​ | electricity ​ |^ Sources: ​ | books, rods, scrolls, wands || ^ Attack Types: ​ | electricity ​ |^ Sources: ​ | books, rods, scrolls, wands ||
 ^ Notes: ​ | Summons an air elemental, which is controlled with the Fire keys like a golem. ​   ||||| ^ Notes: ​ | Summons an air elemental, which is controlled with the Fire keys like a golem. ​   |||||
 +==== Summon Devil ====
 +^ Level: ​ | 6  ^ SP:  | 20  ^ Path:  | Summoning |
 +^ Attack Types: ​ | electricity ​ |^ Sources: ​ |  ||
 +^ Notes: ​ | Summons a devil from the underworld. ​ The devil is controlled with the Fire keys like a golem. ​   |||||
 ==== Summon Fire Elemental ==== ==== Summon Fire Elemental ====
Line 125: Line 158:
 ^ Notes: ​ | Summons a fire elemental, which is controlled with the Fire keys like a golem. ​   ||||| ^ Notes: ​ | Summons a fire elemental, which is controlled with the Fire keys like a golem. ​   |||||
-==== Counterwall ​====+=== Counterwall ===
 ^ Level: ​ | 8  ^ SP:  | 8  ^ Path:  | Restoration | ^ Level: ​ | 8  ^ SP:  | 8  ^ Path:  | Restoration |
 ^ Attack Types: ​ | counterspell ​ |^ Sources: ​ | books, rods, wands || ^ Attack Types: ​ | counterspell ​ |^ Sources: ​ | books, rods, wands ||
 ^ Notes: ​ | Creates a wall that repeatedly casts [[spells:​summoning#​counterspell]] in the direction of the caster. ​ ||||| ^ Notes: ​ | Creates a wall that repeatedly casts [[spells:​summoning#​counterspell]] in the direction of the caster. ​ |||||
 ===== -- Level 10 - 12 -- ===== ===== -- Level 10 - 12 -- =====
 ==== Build Director ==== ==== Build Director ====
 ^ Level: ​ | 10  ^ SP:  | 30  ^ Path:  | Creation | ^ Level: ​ | 10  ^ SP:  | 30  ^ Path:  | Creation |
spells/summoning.1519863657.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/28 18:20 by karl