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user karl


Grown up in the 1980s of West-Germany I came into contact with the
Role-Playing Game Dungeons & Dragons around the year 1985.

This made me reading books of JRR Tolkien
Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, The Silmarillion.

Shortly after that I owned an Atari 800XL computer.
But I did not understand much about how to program,
and had no financial background to “upgrade” hardware further.

Windows 95, 98, 2000 was just heard of.

After 2000 I assembled some Pentium-I PCs from lumber finds,
and had to install some Linux found on the loot table of a
grocery supermarket chain : SuSE 6.2 .

I could upgrade to a computer with 800MHz and started to read magazines
about Linux. These magazines usually had installer CDs included.
So I installed just for the experience Debian 3.1 Sarge, where I could install
Crossfire as a game from the installer CDs or were it already DVDs? available.

I was really positively impressed by Crossfire.

At that time I did not own a telephone plug in my apartment
and the internet had been a “Fake News” fairy tale in the newspapers.

Since year 2010 I have internet access, and a few weeks later
I tried again, to figure out the Linux OSes available.

I stayed stuck with Puppy Linux.

Since around Autumn 2012 northern Hemisphere I remembered Crossfire
and downloaded the client's source code and compiled it.

Since that time I play on the Metalforge server mainly,
but have also a few (< 10 level) characters on the Netarbeiter server.

I compiled a lot of client and server versions
deciding that v.1.9.1 and later would probably compile on my system's GCC-4.2.2;
which they did.

Many things I did not understand at that time,
I could simply not understand, that much in Crossfire is simply text.

Now it is year 2018 and I started again to look deeper into Crossfire,
setting up DM and passwords and the files in {prefix}/etc .

Map and Server Modifications


Misc Info

user/karl.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/29 13:44 by leaf