Attacks are made using specific attack types that define what the effect of an attack is:
The following attack types have direct damage properties which removes a targets hp to the value of the damage dealt from a successful attack (after resistances are factored in):
Indirect damage functions in a similar manner to direct damage, except it changes attributes of the defender (and attacker) other than hp to the advantage of the attacker. The following attack_types have indirect damage properties:
The monster archetype files usually contain an attack decimal:
#define AT_PHYSICAL 0x00000001 /* 1 */ #define AT_MAGIC 0x00000002 /* 2 */ #define AT_FIRE 0x00000004 /* 4 */ #define AT_ELECTRICITY 0x00000008 /* 8 */ #define AT_COLD 0x00000010 /* 16 */ #define AT_CONFUSION 0x00000020 /* 32 The spell will use this one */ #define AT_ACID 0x00000040 /* 64 Things might corrode when hit */ #define AT_DRAIN 0x00000080 /* 128 */ #define AT_WEAPONMAGIC 0x00000100 /* 256 Very special, use with care */ #define AT_GHOSTHIT 0x00000200 /* 512 Attacker dissolves */ #define AT_POISON 0x00000400 /* 1024 */ #define AT_SLOW 0x00000800 /* 2048 */ #define AT_PARALYZE 0x00001000 /* 4096 */ #define AT_TURN_UNDEAD 0x00002000 /* 8192 */ #define AT_FEAR 0x00004000 /* 16384 */ #define AT_CANCELLATION 0x00008000 /* 32768 */ #define AT_DEPLETE 0x00010000 /* 65536 */ #define AT_DEATH 0x00020000 /* 131072 */ #define AT_CHAOS 0x00040000 /* 262144*/ #define AT_COUNTERSPELL 0x00080000 /* 524288*/ #define AT_GODPOWER 0x00100000 /* 1048576 */ #define AT_HOLYWORD 0x00200000 /* 2097152 race selective attack */ #define AT_BLIND 0x00400000 /* 4194304 */ #define AT_INTERNAL 0x00800000 /* Only used for internal calculations */ #define AT_LIFE_STEALING 0x01000000 /* 16777216 for hp drain */ #define AT_DISEASE 0x02000000 /* 33554432 disease attacktypes */